Really fun once you learn how to play. 7/10

So much potential to just come out buggy and boring. 3.5/10

My favorite vr game of all time, made all my friends get vr to play this. TTT in 2020 was the best. 10/10

Without mods its probably a 7.

Played halfway through when it released and finished today. I cant believe that in 2023 the game is still buggy, and the city, despite it's density, is still empty. If it didn't have a strong narrative it would be genuinely awful. 5/10

Definitely needs more content, but I absolutely loved what I've played so far.

Incredibly fun to try to beat these levels with just one other person.

Legitimately the least fun game I've ever played. 1/10

Playing bedwars with friends was the only fun part about this game. Maybe if I had a artistic bone in my body it would have been more fun. 6/10

More spectacle than the previous games, but the gameplay is not as tight as 2 for some reason. 8/10

Improved in every way from the original even, playing on crushing was actually fun instead of torturous like the last game.

Crushing is legitimately awful.

Closest a game has brought me to tears.

Might legitimately be my favorite game ever. The accomplishment I felt reaching Cosmic Ocean is, to this day, unmatched by any other game.