1 review liked by Raidus

This game is a major step down for me from the first game in nearly every area. I bought a Switch just to play this, keep that in mind...

To start, half of the narrative is fluff and filler that dosen't amount to anything. Chapter 4 in general is almost entirely filler, but the sections leading up to that are as well. This would not be a problem if the game was not already 75 hours minimum. What isn't filler in the first half is then just tonally disconnected sections and a warped mess of bad comedy mixed with serious moments. The voice acting, no matter which way you play with dub or sub, is terrible. The direction was just poor and slapped together. A majority of the side content is an even worse grind than the first game, everything being locked behind timers, literal walls in your path to prevent you from progressing, Im not kidding. There are just giant portals in your way with no rhyme or reason and you need to jump several thousand times or run in circles or just waste your time waiting for merc missions just to complete them. It also has a gacha system that forces you to grind until you get good units. (It is not monitized, but still a poor system.)

There are basically zero tutorials as well, and ones that exist cannot be viewed again unless you go out of your way to find them.

The game is not all bad. It still has wonderful music, some of the characters are likeable. The second half of the story is quite good. It has lots of content. And the gameplay gets fun eventually. Yet none of these can save the massive flaws baked into the game.

I know many love this one, but even after 2 full playthroughs, I just have no desire to ever finish it 100%. It is a slog to endure with hardly any payoff. I don't think i'll ever love this game.