Final Act retroactively ruins the game, and the postgame is too grindy and tedious.

It's a solid DQ game that borrows many elements from previous entry and mixes and matches them mostly adequately. At times, however, it seems overdone.

game fucking suuuuuuucks. co-op can be hella fun tho

The first playtrhough was fun, the following ones for trophies (everyone lives/dies) not so much due to unskippable cutcenes and masochistic flag save system.

Not worth the 40€ price tag, I finished it with my niece under 3 hours.

10 Main Chapters, all Side Stories (Normal).

Amazin characters and story, too bad it goes unfinished and is stuck on mobile phones.

It's okay. You don't learn much more about Leliana. It just had the potential to be something much, much better.

When I originally played DA:O over 10 years ago, I always lamented the fact I didn't get to play this DLC. Maybe I'd have enjoyed it more back then, as Leliana always had a special place in my heart.

actually trash very poorly executed and poor game design. not fun

another hit and miss. incredibly difficult early on and just not fun to play.

Glitched out the final boss fight — the boss was completely invulnerable, and I couldn't die either. I had no save for hours, so I would have to redo a lot. This is completely unacceptable. Maybe the JP NES version is bugged? Anyway, it sucks really hard to be locked out of the game when I was so close at the finishing line.

It's cool how talking to NPCs helps you move along and really incentivates exploring... but some clues are really darned obscure (inspect that ONE pixel in the river).

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I actually hate the implication that an army could've been raised even without the PC Grey Warden's influence. It feels really bad to kill NPCs and characters you love. The last fight is ridiculously hard on Nightmare, and the previous area crashed a lot.

bad mafia game that is only passable because it copypastes the anime/manga's first arc story. no new mechanics are introduced so it falls flat after a few gos, and it's overall easy. getting some of the bonus conditions for the bonus chapter demand too much though.

While it manages to avoid some of the prequel's biggest mistakes (repetition, fruitfulness in investigation, and bad humor) and there's good gameplay improvements, it does not manage to scale up to the original game. It keeps ruining serious moments with silliness or idol song performances, it's hard to get attached to any of the protagonists, not as much as Date.

The game tries to be epic at the end with some hard to swallow "EPIC TWIST" asspull, and yet, once again, fails to reach the impact levels of the original game.

Nonetheless, there's the usual heartfelt moments that do feel genuine, and a message that we are only complete when we meet our better half.