This game is WACKY. I don't know what got into the developers, but clearly they were tired of making normal fishing games that didn't have a few jungle/dnb bangers on the sountrack and a mode to "interview" giant mutant fishes in post-apocalyptic flooded NYC for a journalist named Jennifer Clam. It's a crime that this game is so slept on, and I feel that every existing game could be improved with a Big Ol' Bass 2 flavored fishing minigame. I think the only real gripe I have with this game is that it wasn't named Fisherman's Bait 3: Big 'Ol Bass 2.

Very fun and polished fishing game. Probably one of the best, easily accessible (via DuckStation) fishing games out there.

Pretty solid fishing game, but lacking the polish of its sequel imo. It's as straightforward as it gets.

Solid, with tons of personality. All of Crash's goofy emotes and Cortex's monologues greatly elevated my experience. I enjoy the variety of gameplay that exists, but I wish the spread was a little more even. Also, I wish that there was more visual variety throughout the game, on account of there being only 5 different settings (Jungle, jungle river, icey mountain, sewer, ancient ruins) for the 20 levels leading up to the final 5. I understand that this game has a great deal of replayability, and that a lot of the secrets are rewarding, but personally I think I would have only put forth time towards that stuff if I was stuck with this game back when I was a kid.

One of the most gorgeous racing games in the generation. This game has all of my favorite JDM cars, some banger jungle DnB tracks, and oozes that signature early 2000s Capcom style. I think this game also has the Capcom Vs. SNK 2 announcer, or at least uses similarly delivered voice lines. There's a decent amount of customization available in the game, and there are plenty of gorgeous tracks to race through. The racing mechanics are pretty arcadey, and were a bit difficult for me to pick up. Though I was able to figure it out after playing in AT for a little. Overall, the racing mechanics were alright. Luckily, I'm not here for that.

Fantastic music, fun arcadey feel, and great overall vibes. The presentation of the game is so stylish, and the stories, while not super deep, were a pretty great addition and did a lot to set the mood.

I suffered from severe skill issues.

The cars handle like hot wheels and damn it was great. The racing mechanics felt surprisingly interesting and good.

Easily one of the most goated kart racers out there, just for the ultra shortcuts alone.

The only things I miss from DOA3 when I'm playing DOA2U are the stages, and some costume variety.

Janky, but defined the feel of Sonic games for me.

Amazing music, great selection of cars, and probably one of the best car handling feels I've experienced.

Feels good, looks alright, and overall fun to play.

Fun where it counts, but might get boring if not modded.