More enjoyable when avoiding combat, ironically enough.

I have no joke for this one. It's just good.

Youtubers being there felt like the equivalent of making them into marketable plushies.

All of this just for unlocking Spiderman in undies. Worth it.

Nobody can clink the clonk as good as Ratchet & Cladinkidank.

Friendship with Mustache Girl ended. Now Snatcher is my best friend.


That almost made me consider looking for a girlfriend. Almost.

Business was boomin'. Emphasis on was.

This dude tries to be Vector from the game called Vector.

Level 1-2: exists

My thumbs: Disappearing~

There's no second "ara" here, because it fell. Just like the entire- SPOILER BONK

Why play this when Castle Crashers is right there?

Dodgeball has never been so pain-less before.