I played for three hours, realized the gameplay was absolute dogshit and won't get any better, then I stopped.

It's geniunely impressive how they somehow made every single character in this cast unlikable. This game should be used as an example for why good characters are integral to a JRPG.
Reached the final dungeon and then just stopped, no interest in seeing the ending.

Yeahhh this game was just very meh.. It was cool playing as the straw hat crew in an action rpg but it lacked depth so I get bored very quickly. Very forgettable.

This was insultingly bad lol. Glitchy. Shit characters cuz they don't interact. Story had potential but they decided to do the bare minimum. Good gameplay except that its lifted straight from Lost Dimension. what the actual fuck is this I want my 60$ back.

this is indeed a game. not a good one, but a game nonetheless.

I bought this as a teenager. Stop judging me.
I saw boobs. I made the purchase.😶
Other than the artstyle and framerate, this game doesn't offer much. Dont let it tempt u. stay away.


One of the most impressive games I've ever played. Dialogue on every little thing I do? Goddamn! Other than that, this game is an addicts worst nightmare. Good luck playing anything else once you boot this game up lol.

Say bye-bye to your life once you boot this game up lol. Not enough people know about this game, it deserves more credit. Not alot of games have attempted the half social sim half jrpg combat formula. Persona perfected it, this game has its own spin on the same concept which is just as good! :)

Such a unique game. Innovative combat, amazing music, amusing characters, and addictive gameplay.
I think every JRPG enjoyer needs to try this game at least once.


This game is amazing dont let ANYONE tell you otherwise.

If anyone ever tries to tell you that turn-based combat is out dated or boring just shove this game down their throat, buy another copy, shove it in their ass, buy another copy, boot it up, tie them to a chair, and force them to play it. They will hate you afterwards, but they will love the game at least.

Worst story in an SMT game by far, but ehh.. the gameplay still carries it.

This game has my favorite combat system out of any game ever. Holy mother of god the amount of shit you can do in this battle system is insane. The story is so much more engaging too.

Xillia 2 improves on literally everything from Xillia 1, its also so nice to see these characters again after forming a connection with them from the first game.

The dungeons still need some work, but its no where near enough to bring this game down.

....That bad ending still haunts me T_T

Such a unique concept for a game. I've always wondered what Danganronpa would be like if it were a JRPG. The answer is absolute peak!!