I really enjoyed this game a lot, I've never really been that big into Dating Sims/Visual Novels aside from stuff like the Social Links in Persona/Fire Emblem and was looking for something I could stream for Valentine's day; one of my friends recommended this to me and from the moment I saw the trailer and booted it up, I knew I was in for a treat!

The art and style for this game is really wonderful and it encapsulates the whole "Vintage 80's/90's Anime" aesthetic really well, the characters are well designed and written, I'm sure that everyone who plays will have at least one favourite out of the three options! (Yes, my fave is the giant, big-titted cat-lady voiced by Lani Minella (former Rouge the Bat VA, guess she just likes voicing characters with milf energy and fat honkers lol)

Gameplay is pretty fun too, classic "point and click" gameplay, looking for items and making sure you meet the conditions to perform the rituals in your necronomicon and the game can get really tense too (especially the final boss, goddamn she gave me some trouble for a bit ngl) and it balances the whole light-hearted rom-com stuff really well with the eldrich lovecraftian horror.

My only issues with this game are I experienced a few occasions where the game would freeze or crash but not too many to ruin the experience! I've seen a few people say the game is short but idk, I got a good 7/8hrs out of it, nice lil' game you could possibly revisit.

So yeah, overall I really enjoyed this game and I would def consider myself a fan, very much looking forward to seeing how the sequel turns out, this is definitely one of my favourite games I've played this year! (Also looking forward to the plushes haha)

4 Stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Nice lil' game to fool around with for a few hours, streamed it once or twice and enjoyed myself but will admit that if your looking for something you can REALLY sink your teeth into, might wanna look somewhere else; played this game for 5hrs and pretty much saw everything it had to offer to be honest.

Would love to credit this game for its atmosphere/aesthetic though, really love how quirky and weird it is, thought some of the dogs end up looking like something out of one of H.R. Giger's wet dreams and the OST is perfect "head empty" vibes.

Could def see kids and fans of Tamagotchi loving this game and I would love to see them update it further and expand more, best of luck to the team! ✨

This review contains spoilers

So I just beat this game after waiting 8 years to finally see where they'd take the franchise after Bayo 2 and this game did not disappoint, I had an absolute blast playing this and seeing my favourite video game lady ever back in action!

Seeing this game run on Switch had me like "DAMN, OK" (though it still saddens me that the ip is Nintendo exclusive, would love to play on PC with a proper controller instead of the joy con lol) and the range of weapons and transformations, alt costumes and demons in this game Bayo can use is incredible and leaves so much room for replay value!

Viola's gameplay is fine too, though I definitely prefer playing as Cereza, especially since her Witch Time is much easier to pull of by just dodging instead of having to parry and not having any more demons other than Chesire kinda sucked to be honest; I will also admit I'm not a fan of Jeanne's gameplay either and found parts of it a bit frustrating but at least her levels are only like 5 mins tops, so not a huge deal.

Storywise this game is pretty fine, I still think the firsat game had a better story and pacing but hey, I thought it was better than 2 (not that 2 is a bad game, far from it) and I thought it was a really nice conclusion/passing of the torch story, makes me very curious to see how they could make a possible Bayonetta 4 since they tease it after the credits.

I would definitely recommend this game to any fan of action games, and if you already like DMC, you probably already like this!

Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go make out with my Bayonetta dakimakura 😏 lmao

One of the best games I've ever played in my entire life and one of my favourite games of all time; I remember picking it up for the 360 in my local Gamestop when I was like 15 and was curious since I saw the SEGA logo and thought Bayonetta looked super hot (nothing has changed 10 years later lmao), took it home and booted it up and felt right at home with the gameplay being a fan of DMC previously.

Though I sadly no longer have my old 360 copy I do have it on Switch and PC and let me just say it right now; this is the best game in the trilogy imo, it has my fave design for Bayo, the story and gameplay have perfect pacing and the writing is wonderfully over the top, the OST is an absolute fucking banger, literally my only complaint with this game is that it has QTEs (Quick Time Events) during cutscenes and it has lead to my getting some honestly really bullshit deaths as a result.

Other than that, this game is literally perfect and I absolutely adore Bayonetta, she's my favourite female protag/video game character ever and I will never stop simping for her lol

Bayonetta 2 is an amazing game and I love it a ton, but it is probably my least favourite in the trilogy if I'm being honest; I remember having issues with the story/pacing and I know it's been a bit since I played it last but if you asked me to name specific point of the game, I dunno if I could remember except for a few key moments, complete opposite of 1 where I know it off by heart.

I still think everyone should play this one, especially if you're a fan and about to play 3 but yeah, I'd place this 3rd, then 3 and then 1 is still my fave!

Also another game I wish was multiplatform but I guess we'll always have Bayo 1... sigh

This is was one of my first PS2 games and it legit one of the absolute worst games I've ever played and owned; the controls for this game are totally fucked and the graphics/characters look like something that would chase you around The Backrooms: definitely avoid this one, unless you wanna stream it or somethin'

or you're into CBT, idk ¯\(ツ)

Really enjoyed this one, streamed the entire thing on my Twitch and it was great fun; Dungeon crawling is a blast and the gameplay was very fun, reminded me of Hades, another game I really enjoy and I loved seeing my lil' cult grow bigger and better as I progressed, fishing was fun, very much like Stardew but easier, I feel kinda bad referencing other games but it's is clearly apparent that the devs had to have had some inspo from those games; my only gripes were a few visual glitches and some bosses either being too easy (especially the final boss) or too hard but I suppose it IS a roguelike so it's all up to RNGesus in the end.

The game is a visual delight, absolutely gorgeous, very cute/creepy designs with stunning backdrops and has a really nice soundtrack that helps amplify the action or set the mood! Not too much to get into narratively to be honest, pretty basic plot but hey, apparently there is DLC coming so I'm excited for that! This game also has some really cool and fun Twitch integration and is sure to make your chat laugh a ton!

If you like Dungeon Crawlers/Rougelikes with a bit of Sims flair, I think you'll enjoy this too!

This game is extremely cute but also very repetitive, clocks in about 2hrs if you want to beat it, I honestly started zoning out towards the end while streaming it

Could definitely see people enjoying this one, just not me personally, inoffensive lil' title, nothing wrong with it, just short and kinda boring

This game was fun to stream with my friend but I would probably never play it otherwise, they don't give you enough stamina to sprint with and they monsters are faster than you, they also can and will spawn camp you at points too and the game became more annoying than scary the more I played it tbh

This was one of my most anticipated games of the year and I really enjoyed it; the art direction is great, the music is fuckin' bangin' (check out the OST on spotify) and the gameplay is fast and intense, you always gotta be on your A Game, especially when you wanna get the presents for the social link aspect (very much like Persona/FE except they also give you bonus levels to play) and the boss fights.

I do however have some issues with this game, the story is very generic and I know it's tongue in cheek but it comes off really cringy at points, like when they reference John Cena and fucking Naruto. Also the finally boss really frustrated me cuz every time I died, I had to redo the entire fight, and there's parts where you just can't damage him at all and you have to pray you don't die or else you can repeat it again for the 4th time.

Overall I do really like this game and recommend it but if you're lookin' for a good narrative, this ain't it but gameplay and music wise, in for a treat!

Absolutely adored this one, what a fantastic game and a perfect revival of old school beat 'em ups; really fun/fast paced gameplay, god-like OST by the man, the myth, Tee Lopes, nice and short so perfect for replayablity and it's also perfect to play with friends, already beaten it 6 times myself and can't wait to play with my friends eventually, highly recomended!

This game is alright, perfectly fine I guess, kids'll love it, I know I woulda when I was younger.

I actually really enjoyed this game when I first started playing, was the first time in a while I'd started getting full engrossed into a Pokemon game and actually being hyped to play it performance issues aside it's probably the best Pokemon game I've played on Switch so far (still need to play Arceus) but I definitely lost steam since the world is so big and some of the story is very boring, aside from Arven who ended up having the best story and being my fave character, even if his story's ending is really fucked up/bittersweet, geniunely wasn't expecting that. It's alos evident that they are just running out of ideas for new Pokemon since they barely added any new ones or any new regional forms, and only a couple of new evos, shame cuz I geniunely love the designs, it's something I really want to commend this game for is the style and designs in this region are great, really like a lot of the cast and it had good world building too!

Honestly, I think this is a decent game if you're a fan of the franchise or you have lil' kids, definitely recommend this WAY more than SwSh (fuck that game, no postgame, content locked behind DLC paywall) and much MUCH better than the Diamond/Pearl Remakes.

As a long time Sonic fan I'm genuinely delighted to say that this is an incredibly fun game with excellent writing and an absolute banger of a soundtrack!

Cyberspace levels are fine but I think they're the worst part of the game tbh, so sick of seeing fucking Green Hill Zone in EVERY game and the 2D platforming is really off in this one, I think they should just leave 2D to Classic Sonic and focus on the open world/Boost formula for Modern.

Combat was a concern before the game came out but I'm happy to say I really liked it, I do happened to be a fan of Bayonetta/DMC and even though this game is nowhere close, I do really enjoy fighting the enemies in this game (for the most part, fuck Shark especially) and the boss fights in this game are so cool and fun, each one is unique and when the music boots up, it is such a moment, always look forward to it.

The story wasn't the greatest ever written but it's so refreshing to have a genuinely interesting and touching story with these characters I've known for almost 20 years and seeing them mature; I really hope with the success of this game that they'll finally start to try and put effort into this franchise after this.

Highly recommend this game, especially if you're a fan of the franchise, please check it out!

This game has a really awesome premise with a gorgeous aesthetic/style and great music but the writing really holds it back with really unlikeable protags and overly "in your face" edgy humor like it was written by a 15yr old or references to movies from like the 60's, it gets very old after a bit...

Not much gameplay either, it's essentially a story driven walking sim with occasional minigames that are actually quite fun (fuck the dancing competition one though, boring af)

The voice acting is also very good in this game, I really do enjoy the depiction of Satan in this game, his design is so cool and his VA is just 👌✨

If you like narrative heavy games, dark/edgy humour, point n clicks, etc. I think you'll like it, nice short 5hr adventure but for me, personally, prob never play it again tbh

I streamed this game the other night, haven't played it since I was a child; it's just as shite as I remembered it being

Stewie levels are boring, the Brian levels are fucking annoying, the Peter levels are actually somewhat fun y'know, until the game decided to fucking softlock and wouldn't spawn the enemies, leaving me unable to progress without the possibility of a full restart... fuck that

Game is also ugly as sin and has that classic seth mcfarlane cringe, stay away