81 reviews liked by Relvean

One of the best RPGs I've played. I wish more people knew about this series. Combat is fun, story is great, what's not to love?

Dragonfall took me by surprise again and again. I did not expect how things would go right from the intro. I was amazed at how much I cared about each companions and the tough choices they had to make. And the soundtrack is absolutely amazing and haunting, really bringing up the trauma and darkness of each characters.
The main complaint is that the tactical fights aren't that interesting or challenging and there are a couple times where I found myself reloading because some dialogue choices went into some weird directions I think.
Still, an amazing experience until the end.

A really excellent CRPG with thoughtful tactics, fun characters, and an absorbing cyberpunk world. If you want a break from all the swords and sorcery, it’s hard to do better.

grim but incredibly fun. wish you could skip those cutscenes though

An incredibly gritty and nihilistic Rockstar shooter that doesn't feel much like the previous 2 games at all. Part of me wants to hate it on principle, dismiss it as a fake, but it's just too good for me to do that. It all just works so well. Every element of the game sells you on how far Max has fallen. He's still clever, but his narration has moved away from fun Noir tinged one liners to a stark middle aged cynicism. He's still an action hero, but the slow motion dives hurt more than they used to. The hazy, disorienting CRT effects hurt your eyes like sunlight with a hangover. I was constantly frustrated with Max's decisions throughout the story, but in a way that highlights just how far gone he is. It's a game about being far past your prime and angry about it. In a perfect world, Remedy would have gotten to make this game, but I'm glad this version exists.

A brilliantly crafted game. The gunplay, music and James McCaffrey's performance as Max Payne are the stars here. The pacing of the levels is tight and they provide a decent challenge, really making you take into account the space you have to work with. The enemies don't fuck around, which was a nice surprise and really plays into the grittiness of the story, you really need to leverage bullet time which both looks cool as hell and is very satisfying to use. This certainly isn't a cover shooter.

Overall, just the right length and that final level will never not be ridiculous amounts of fun. I wish we got more games like this from Rockstar.

12 years later and nobody has come close to making a third person shooter this good, not even rockstar themselves

Really captures the magic of a tabletop RPG game, right down to the main villain being the catholic church.

The interconnected world makes me feel like I'm experiencing Dark Souls 1 for the first time again. In my opinion, this game is a lot more fun than Dark Souls titles. The combat system is refreshing but it's hard to get into until it clicks. When it clicks though... You will be deflecting and punishing left and right.