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22 hrs ago

wander commented on wander's review of The Big Catch: Tacklebox
q decis gato si sos de la matanza vos

2 days ago

wander earned the Replay '14 badge

2 days ago

wander finished The Big Catch: Tacklebox
Not a "Demo" but the training grounds for what The Big Catch says it will be. The game presents you with the mechanics in a non-invasive way that's mostly done with interactable signs or an npc instead of unprompted giant grey text boxes, giving you free will to discover the mechanics by yourself.

After one inicial set of dialogue and the introduction of basic mechanics the game's map opens up in all directions, and you decide where to go next. You won't get any new skills or powers during the demo so you basically can go fishing and looking for coins anywhere, but if you reeaally want to get everything you'll have to really master the mechanics. By the time you hit 100% you will have mastered the movement, learnt how momentum and gravity work ingame, and suffered through lots of pain, because the game is pretty hard sometimes, they throw you some shorcuts from time to time, and they're pretty generous with that, but you really have to be precise and if you happen to screw up right before a checkpoint you just have to do a whooole section back, and it happened to me many times, mostly when I was looking were to go next, cause I got really lost at the point where I was having more problems in knowing where to go next than getting to the actual place mechanically (I fear too much yellow paint and youtube shorts have poisoned my mind), but I kept going it anyways, because I did it for the fish, and that cool thing that happens if you get all the coins, and it's not just a screen saying "congrats broke ass, go buy the actual game", but I don't want to spoil it!

2 days ago

wander is now playing Squad Busters

5 days ago

wander backloggd Osman

7 days ago

wander completed Asura's Wrath
western lore: ✞ ✡
eastern lore:

9 days ago

wander finished Gravity Circuit
la formula megaman perfeccionada, te da un monton de control sobre como jugás con el sistema de mejoras, los bosses son muy divertidos.

10 days ago

wander finished Toree 2
Eu, completisimo platformer indie

10 days ago

wander completed Gravity Circuit
la formula megaman perfeccionada, te da un monton de control sobre como jugás con el sistema de mejoras, los bosses son muy divertidos.

10 days ago

wander completed Toree 2
Eu, completisimo platformer indie

11 days ago

wander finished Gorogoa
Waos!!! Es de esos juegos que cuando los terminas te quedan preguntas que te vas tratando de responder en la cama antes de quedarte dormido.
Narrativamente no es un juego fácil de entender, la dificultad de entenderlo reside en que la historia se va entrelazando y desenredando sobre si misma a través de cuadros como si fueran los sueños en Paprika y viajar tanto en espacio como en tiempo mientras probaba soluciones para los puzzles me hizo marear un poco, pero al volver a verlo todo de corrido se entiende mejor.

Gorogoa es un juego realmente único y genial que en la horita y media que dura te da unos puzzles no muy complejos pero con mecanicas super interesantes, el juego te presenta una grilla de 2x2 donde podes acomodar hasta 4 viñetas, o ventanas, como si de una historieta se tratara.
Estas ventanas son eso, ventanas, albergan otros mundos mas chiquitos a los que se puede viajar pasando através de ellos, para ir a buscar la solucion al siguiente puzzle.

11 days ago

wander completed Gorogoa

12 days ago

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