o melhor jogo ja feito, se for considerar a epoca de criação

conseguiram pegar o jogo original e melhor ele de todas as formas, feito com amor.

Best persona game for a reason

the graphics and the music are good, but all the rest of the game is really bad

just good from the point of view of a big fan and pokemon enthusiast, but as a game in general, lets go eevee fails in many ways, such as combat mechanics and exploration

remake sólido, mas so isso mesmo.

muito bom pra quem é fã, assim como eu sou.

This game is a HUGE upgrade from metal gear solid 1, the gameplay on mgs1 seemed a little stuttered and the story only shined in a few moments, but Kojima really went all out in the sequel

It brought layers of depth to the metal gear lore and made every character in the plot play an important role and interesting story, as well as making it one of the most intriguing moments I've ever witnessed in a game as a player. Hideo Kojima is a genius