I'm going to cut to the chase; the game is pretty "meh" to good.
I hate with all my life that they give you so little ammo for so many fucking enemies.
Like, I understand the joke is to dodge the zombies, but it's horrible because there are times when you get 3 in the same room and not only do they have an absurd amount of HP (almost a whole loader per zombie), but on top of that they can respawn stronger if you don't burn them or if you don't kill them. Sure, I don't mind, but add to that the fact that you can only burn a small amount of them, plus the fact that you need to take up two inventory slots to do so and that they have charges on top of that.

RE1 is literally CBT for inventory management, because in the hypothetical case that you have the inventory full of non-consumable items, you're screwed because you can't throw anything away. I was trying to collect all the items in the first playthrough, and it was a pain to have to backtrack for 7 minutes just because I had to empty the inventory, because not only you have to have the key items/healing in the inv, but also the weapons and ammo, and when you get 4 key items in a single puzzle, so you bring another 4 because you didn't know when you were going to use them + weapon and ammo just in case, and the other character has even less slots and it's like wtf why would you do that?

I understand that it's part of the "fun" of the game, but maybe I would appreciate it more if there were more melee weapons, because the little knife is a pain in the ass.
not only it doesn't do any damage, but you have to be really close to a zombie to hit it, almost as if you were doing a parry and to make it worse, zombies attack faster than your reaction speed and turn 360 to hit you, so backstabs are not a viable strategy either.

In the end you are forced to use a crappy weapon because otherwise you have no slots, but it doesn't make much difference because firearms are worse than the knife, but safer so it becomes a chain of dodging enemies and cheesing everything that can be cheesed.

Also, all this while passing through 90 thousand giant corridors (but narrow, obviously) with 80 million locked doors so good luck knowing which key opens which door. To make it even worse, I was using a mod to "fix" some bug in the game, but in reality what that shitty mod did was to give me a chance of crashing the game every time I enter a room or load a save file, and as saves are limited, I lost hours of progress because of that shit. Fun stuff

The next time I play resident evil I'm going to use a guide, because I don't feel like constantly shooting myself in the first playthrough.
Something in favor I can give tho, is that the puzzles are more fun than silent hill, but it's absurd that I have gone from 15 hours of playtime to pass it in 2 hours and 20 minutes in the following playtroughs I did to get the achievements

edit: I originally wrote this review a years back, and I now recognize I was mainly frustrated at how unforgiving it is. The rest of the games are better and don't really need a guide, but in short; re1 is a harsh game.

12 cosmetics for the four original survivors-- and Ace. They're just OK

I actually had a lot of fun playing it. I feel like there's not enough content as in enemies/bosses, but characters, powers and all that? They nailed it.

This review contains spoilers

With KFIII, the Verdite kingdom trilogy comes to an end and hooly shit, it's amazing how good the story is in each game.
While in the previous game you would discover that the moonlight sword from the first game was made to revive one of the dragons who basically have the roles of demi-gods, in this one, the first game's protagonist goes insane and it's the second game's protagonist who gives his life to seal the castle with him inside, leaving the son of the first game's protagonist to fight his old man which wouldn't carry as much weight if it weren't for the fact that you literally played as each of these characters, and at the same time it's ironic since your old man in this game basically had a similar mission in the first game. Still, it's a bummer that it's more stilted than Dark Souls because unlike DS, King's Field has nothing but the main theme. While in Dark Souls if they tell you about a cult, you can also find out what they did in that cult, read stories about it and so on, here it's just reading items to know the existence of the cult and say "oh wow, this bug was created by this wizard" which is lowkey leatdown because they don't end up taking advantage of a story that is already very rich, but to be honest, all the old games were like that and it wasn't until Dark Souls came along that people started to worry about filling in the parts of the story where everything felt half empty, because before games were bought mostly for the gameplay because they didn't make the jump between arcades and home consoles very well.

And while we're here, I wanted to take advantage and talk about the gameplay since for me it's like peak King's Field since I don't like dungeon crawlers and the level design of this game is not as confusing and labyrinthine as the first two, which I understand that King's Field fans don't like, since it's a step-down of the first two, but in my case it's what made me enjoy it more. The third game basically takes place on the outskirts of Verdite Castle, not on another island or inside the cemetery, but in the surrounding villages, forests, etc. and it really felt refreshing to me. The textures and mapping also has a lot of things, it's no longer flat-ground flat walls like in the first two (especially the first one), there's more variation and it's harder to get lost, which made the experience much better.

The combat is still the same as in the first two games, with some slight improvement, I mean basically you have to turn around the enemies and use all your money on drugs and I found it super funny because while in the other two games the final bosses are terrible in the sense that they do too much damage, here they literally give you a spell that gives you godmode for like 5 minutes at the cost of nothing lmfao but yeah, I don't know, I really liked that at one point you go to the graveyard of the first game and you're like "yoooo", and especially seeing the appearance of the protagonists of all the King's Field

At first I got really frustrated because I didn't understand how I was dying, and I said "ugh, I'm just going to play for a little while and that's it" and I played one after another after another after another after another and when I realized it, an hour and a half had already passed. The adrenaline rush this game gives you is like no other, enemies can hurt you the moment you see them on screen, so it's not a reflex thing, it's more about being prepared. It is a highly stressful experience but without being frustrating. Really recommended, it's a constant dry orgasm until you finish the game.



I'm not a fan of Boomer Shooters or Shooter in general, but the aesthetic, atmosphere and setting is so well done that it captivated me long enough to finish it

An amazing remaster for an incredible game.

In my opinion a downgrade from the original half life in terms of level and game design, but nonetheless a based asf game

I really appreciate the worldbuilding and storytelling that the game has. The mechanics of a tactical platformer are very well thought and while the DLCs (specially ghost of the babe) are kind of mean, I enjoyed 100%ing this game from start to finish. Hell, it quickly became one of my favorites.

I hate that there's no similar games better than this

You know when you're at an ice cream shop and you ask to try a flavor before buying a scoop of it? Marble Nest is pretty much that. Well, it was originally a demo, but my point is that Marble Nest is this tiny bit of flavor that to some will be enough to decide whether they want to fully play/buy Pathologic 2 or not.

This game was my JAM as a kid. Does it hold up? Yes, it does.
It's levels are straightforward but fun, short but sweet. Bosses can be a bit frustrating, but they're as charming as I remember.

Simple, small and with an excellent execution.

It's worth it just for the billy cosmetic