My girlfriend's favorite girl in this game (Renée) has a similar name and personality to mine and she says "it's the only reason why I keep playing".
I don't believe her, but it still boosts my ego and it's also cute as fuck ♡

Making this run on Meta Quest 2 was such a pain because I had to enable the beta of the game on steam, launch the game from the oculus app and without steamvr initializing so it was complete hell. Was it worth it? Well.. to me yeah.

Accounting+ features so many dumb jokes that go on for too long and aren't cut unless you move. You can easily finish the game in like 15 minutes if you don't care about the dialogue and/or are impatient to hear the full joke, and the jokes are a complete hit or miss because they do this thing where "mature show = swear words being thrown around each 2 words" but in a game and like, while I understand why it can turn a lot of people off (me too) it did have some jokes that I really enjoyed like when you grab a porn mag to prove you're badass and they start commentating on it as if you were holding something incredibly badass and forbidden and they go "we should do our OWN porn mag!" and stupid shit like that.

I don't want to talk about more jokes because the game is short, jokes is all it has,,, yeah.

Katamari Damacy REROLL became a game I always went back to ever since I played it, so when they announced the remaster for the sequel I was incredibly excited yet worried; I have played so much of the first game in different versions that I was afraid of disliking the sequel because it's common for sequels to have a different vibe or soul to it, but We Love Katamari felt amazing. It felt as if the designer(s) were able to fully explode in creative freedom. I found myself laughing multiple times at the dumb scenarios like a salesman offering a spinning grilled pork to someone else or a tiger entering a carwash and leaving as a tiger rug, stuff like this is why I love Katamari. Katamari is not afraid of being silly and this entry embraces all of its sillyness by making the main premise of the game "people liked the first game so much they asked us to do more; those people are the ones that will give you the directions on what to collect" and it's just so great

I love the king and how his story was expanded in this game. I've always loved his chats in Katamari Damacy but I've grown bored of them. Here his egotistical personality shines so brightly it's blinding.

The levels this time do make you use the spin dash thingy which I used to hate, but with how much We Love Katamari makes you use it for higher scores, it growned on me how good that mechanic is, I was just bad. There's a lot of different types of katamari. Hell, there's a level where you make a sumo fighter get fatter and fatter by collecting food to defeat a rival. There's also gimmicky levels that can be difficult like carrying fire and if you touch water, it turns off and being fully honest, with how many levels there are and how much I've played the prequel, I really enjoyed these levels. They felt like fresh air and they're just perfect imo.

The cousins and presents are the best here because most of the cosmetics you get from presents look different when you use other cousins. For example you can get a bikini early on and that bikini on a character can have a skirt and bra, sometimes it's more like a swimming outfit, there's lots of different things that really makes the cousin's personality shine with just their cosmetics + animations. I'm so glad they made the cousins playable outside of multiplayer because I had so much fun switching around and collecting every single one of them.

this remaster added new content; Royal Reverie, where you play as the King when he was just a prince. Most of the levels are not great imo in the sense of them just being gimmicky and difficult. Given the context of his father and his youth, I understand why, so while they're the least enjoyable of all the levels, they do add a bit to the story and I really enjoy them.

one thing I didn't like is how the stickers force you to use the camera costume, making it so if you want the 100% you can't really wear a cosmetic place, as the camera occupies a slot. Truly a shame, but just minor nitpicking on what is an incredible game.

At release this game had some drawing distance issues but they've been resolved and it's now the same as the original. I really wish they incremented the draw distance for PC because sometimes getting cousins/gifts can be tedious as you are waiting for something invisible to pop in and be visible but once again, this is just nitpicking.

Overall, a 5/5, absolute fucking peak. I don't think any other katamari game will top this but once again, I thought the same about the first game so I'm really hoping they port the rest too because I'm so in love with this franchise.

This entry adds Manastrike, a new class of enemy and "more agressive enemy spawns".
Manastrike is a really good mechanic as it's basically an extra brainclap but a lot more visual. I love it.

The new enemy and the agressive spanws by themselves are okay but there's this "hazard" that is a lot of bullets coming towards your way that forces you to go to an specific place. I used to really like this one but the new enemy spawn and AI makes it so they're always in your face, making it so you're almost guaranteed to lose a life near the end of the timer.

This isn't really a problem unless you're playing a class like Warlock that has only 2 respawns and manastrike/brainclap requirements really high as it starts with a good weapon (which you can get in like 15 seconds anyways).

I really like UBERMOSH:WRAITH but this is where I started to feel like most of my runs didn't end due to a skill issue but an unfortunate RNG and that never feels good.

Cheesy as fuck but really enjoyable.
It's really surprising how much the story meant something in this game because it's an 1998 game, a year where story videogames weren't really that popular aside of Final Fantasy VII and Resident Evil 2.

This was one of those games that really shocked people due to how good and unique it was.
It held the test of time really well too

both UBERMOSH and UBERMOSH: BLACK had a huge problem that allowed you to cheese stages by finding a good spot to camp just to secure the achievement and that wasn't fun at all. Now achievements are based on survival and destruction categories but they removed both the covers and the borders, allowing you to just run, shoot, cut bullets, brainclap and dodge and I honestly adore it.

The new gun introduced by the enemy that bleeds cyan offers and even stronger alternative to the yellow blood one yet it still has a fuck ton of spread and the lack of covers make it so you really have to be careful of when are you going to shoot.

I've noticed that getting higher scores is easier and the survivability too because enemies won't shoot you as soon as you're out of cover like before. I feel like UBERMOSH Vol.3 hit the sweetspot so I'm really curious to see what's different in the other games.

It has a lot of things going on that are cool and surprising but I fucking suck at these games lmao

Metal Gear is more of a bunch of ideas thrown around with the intention to try and do something and I respect that. It's where most of the mechanics used throught the series were born so everything is barebones, young and juvenile. It has a few dumb moments that made the experience enjoyable, but there's really not much to it.

It's more of an expansion than a second game. I assume that's why it's called UBERMOSH:BLACK rather than Vol.2 like the format of the other games. It adds more enemies, guns, a class mod and the brainclap feature.

The gameplay is still as fast and hard as before. I would honestly recommend getting this over the original tbh

Stories where the main character progressively gets more and more into it are always great. Shame that most of it is rape.

This one has a huge emphasis on the story and features a lot of silly shit that I adore like using chocolate from your rations to negate sulfuric acid for a puzzle. It also introduced pretty much most if not all of the recurring important characters in the series and it is a game I would actually recommend people to experience even if it's with a summary video or something because it was really fun.

It was extremely disappointing to me in every sense possible but it managed to be entertaining.

I really wasn't a fan of this one despite being a direct upgrade from the previous games

This game used to be my JAM as a kid
Recently I beated the entire trilogy and the first game ended up being my favorite out of all of them lmao