The only game I've played that I can confidently say is one of my favorites of all time~. Almost everything here is just next to perfect, the beautifully dark and touching story with a world that feels so alive thanks to the in game time limit of 72 hours. The soundtrack is haunting and fits the very dark and tragic themes, gameplay is classic 3d action building off of the engine first used in OoT and adds new creative elements like mask transformations and time based side quests. This started my transition into viewing games from a critical standpoint and my start to appreciating games as an art form.

Literally the only Rabbids game worth your time, surprisingly very funny and the collectathon gameplay makes this very replayable, highly recommend checking out this hidden Wii gem

One of the most engaging horror games I've ever played, very much reliant on overloading your senses and an amazing projection of various mental health issues and disorders. The claustrophobic feeling the games gives off is so effective and it really keeps you on edge the whole time

Game that solidified my love for JRPGs, very engaging story and very loveable and party of characters that each get their own arc and development. Game is absolutely stunning visually especially in HD. Soundtrack is beautiful and very catchy and have a lot of remasters of classic dragon quest tunes as long as you're listening to orchestral OST. So much side content and customizable options for your party making them feel more personalized while also still feeling like their own characters. Probably one of my favorite JRPGs of all time

An absolutely amazing rpg that used to be a hidden gem but nowadays its definitely held in much higher regard. A wacky but still very emotional story set in a world full of good flavor text and dialogues from main characters and even regular NPCs. Engaging in classic styled battles with a unique roller for your HP and SP and lots cool PSI abilities to try out. Just an overall amazing game

My favorite action game of all time. Bayo as a character was such big fav for me when i was younger, her confidence and style radiates in every cutscene she's in and even flow in her combat. The game has very low entry point with a very high skill ceiling, you could easily mash buttons to get through this game on your first time but the more you practice and get used to the combo system the more satisfying and fun it becomes to feel like such a power house. However I will admit the game isn't very kind to new players and the score system can be very unforgiving and strict with getting a good rank on chapters. Despite its minor flaws this game still stands as one of my top favs.