If this game taught me anything, it’s that control-alt-delete is force close!

Just to quickly explain this game, One Person Story is supposed to be a game giving life lessons, which apparently blur real life and the game (?), and are also hints to each level. Now, let’s get to this garbage!

Oooh boy, this game’s not good! The best way to describe One Person Story is that it’s pretentious. It thinks it knows what it’s talking about, while that could not be further from the truth. It takes a random turn at the end where the narrator wants to commit suicide, while the whole game, she’s just been spewing out generic “inspirational” quotes that you’d find on social media. If there was a build up to that, maybe even mentioning a good while before she turns to that, like maybe that she’s telling herself these meaningless quotes to maker herself feel better, and that it’s not working, and maybe have her commentary get grimmer, and less hopeful, reflecting her degrading mental state, but the game doesn’t do that. If anything it romanticizes suicide, because if you take the jump route instead of the not jump route (I took jump accidentally), her friends end up somehow catching her off of a cliff, and everything was okay again. THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS. I know I’m not one to talk, because my mental state has never gotten to the point where I ever attempted suicide, but I think it’s pretty obvious that this game doesn’t know what it’s talking about. It just decided to jump on the mental health game bandwagon, and tried to make something deep, meaningful, relatable, and maybe even inspirational, but it falls flat on all of those fronts.

Now, the gameplay, is not engaging or good at all! Just to add on to this already awful game! The gameplay can get annoyingly difficult on certain levels, especially since you don’t have control on the ball “character” itself, and somehow you’re supposed to move it with opening and closing doors, while it just gets stuck on corners most of time, which hampers on the impossible-to-understand timing.

The music is the same piano song for a hundred levels. IT’S THE SAME BORING, BLAND, AND ANNOYING SONG FOR A HUNDRED LEVELS!!! Imagine that, and the game takes two hours to finish. The same song for TWO HOURS.

Bottom line is: If your looking for a good, and educational video game about mental health, this is NOT that!!! DON’T waste your three dollars on it! It is not worth it! Buy something like Hellblade, and maybe Fractured Minds instead (which is a blind recommendation, since I still have to play it, but I have faith in it!).

Edit: Just finished Fractured Minds; it comes from a genuine place, but the execution is really no so good or coherent. Ideas don’t feel very fleshed out, and just bounces from one to the next. I still respect that it was made by one person across a ten month span, and that the majority of the proceeds go to a video game/mental health charity (I forgot the name). It’s worth a try, especially to donate a few bucks, but Hellblade seems like a much safer and better bet.

Why put all those characters in front of player 2 and then only let player one play as them? Don’t really care for generic purple reaper dude.

Honestly I would’ve been happy if this was just power washing the manor? That was a lot of fun. Power washing a dinosaur was pretty cool too though.

Somebody needs to do a mash-up w/ this and “Demons” by Hayley Kiyoko.

What an interesting game. The worst Xbox port I’ve ever seen, in fact! Yet, this game cast a spell on me. This version (and just the game in general) is very flawed and glitched out, so much so that new game + doesn’t even work! Two achievements won’t pop no matter what you do. And this game is hyperspecific about some things and weirdly vague about others! But, despite its many, many flaws, many crashes and a broken game mode, I love it. The story is simple, sure, but the characters have so much charm. The art is incredible, and don’t even get me started on the music. This game hooked me like not many games have. It was so ingrained in me that I was dreaming about back attacks and combos! This game may be very, very flawed, but I love it nonetheless.

Get’s really challenging at the end where there’s no hiding spots, but it’s challenging in a fun way! If you like Party Hard or Serial Cleaner you’ll probably like this.

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I feel like it’s more fun to think about how amazing all the ideas in this game are, then to play them, at least for me. Every idea is stretched out too long, some of the boss fights are really finicky and not fun (looking at you moon baboon) and who wants to tear apart a freaking stuffed animal limb by limb! I think me and my brother are the only people who aren’t madly in love with this game. I respect it for how ambitious it is, and the million different mechanics it sort of balances well, it also looks gorgeous and has a whole bunch of fun Easter eggs (except for the Oscar one, how many times does he need to mention that he’s said the f-word?). I do appreciate how much joy this game brings others, and how much of a big step forward it is in co-op gaming, but I honestly didn’t have that much fun with it.

Really good until that stupid final boss. Incredibly difficult in every unfair and cheap way. Besides that, worth a play with your best bro.

Dear Pierce,


Oh man I really messed up on this one. I have a really bad track record of ending games on a sour note. I really love this game, but I was so confused with the terminal. I didn’t know that ls was with a lowercase l, not an i, and I stuck for like over 40 minutes on just figuring that out. I was so excited to get back home and finish this game today, so I kinda ruined it for myself a bit. I finished the rest of the terminal stuff but I just felt so disconnected at that point. I honestly would’ve been fine without the terminal stuff, or maybe just in a more simplified way? Either way, I still identify with this game A LOT. I’m not trans, but I am bi and it almost feels like this game was made for me. Obviously, it was not, but there are so many personal things about figuring out your identity that I can relate to. Like feeling like your tricking yourself into being gay, just because. Or just because you feel like you’d want to be, which apparently isn’t a valid reason enough. I literally had that thought this morning. It’s still a little hard to believe myself, but like they’ve said so many times in this game, she’ll figure it out. And I kinda did. I had/have HOCD so it was really difficult for me to accept myself as possibly bi, but without a label, but that led me to where I am now. Just accepting it is the first step, and it’s a damn difficult and important one to accomplish. I resonate sooooo much with this game. I just don’t know why I have a bad touch with games. Ikenfell crashed on gamepass so I could only watch the epilogue on somebody’s walkthrough, I got really irritable with The wild at heart new the end because I was getting really stuck. Uggghhhh. I love this game so much, and I’m just really upset I kinda ruined this one for myself too. Oh and I also love Sailor Moon too, so it really feels like this was made for me, even though yes, it’s not and it does tell a separate story, but it still tells an amazing universal tale of exploring your gender, sexuality or just finding out who the heck you are, in general (or all three!). Such a great game, I just wish I could code better. Laguna is too smart for me

P.S. also, one more thing. At the end, I kinda did the ending wrong where the dad was just irritating me so much I closed the message app and then I couldn’t get back in and closed the game and then I had to replay the ending part before the dad conversation again AHHHH why do I do this to myself? :(

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Man, does this go places! (And I’m so glad it did, what a wonderful and impactful game that’s made by only one person!)

Try this if you can (it’s on humble) it’s worth your time.

I really, really, really love this game. I’ve always been fond of the Life is Strange series, but this one really hit me hard. Such an amazing narrative, great characters, and both the romance options were great (I’m only polyamorous in games, I’ve recently found out (people suck in real life), which really makes me appreciate the freedom of polygamy in Boyfriend Dungeon. I wish I could’ve given the rose to both of them!!!). This is one of my favorites for sure. I cry at everything, but this made me cry a lot. And not only did I cry a lot, but the crying felt meaningful. I love playing games where I can take something away from it, and I will take many things away from this one. A must play if you love visual novels, are really emotional, and love a good story, because honestly, video games seem like the best way to get one nowadays.

P.S. I chose Steph 🌹
P.S.S. Also, damn! I was thinking about Lake recently and it turns out that this and Lake are pretty darn similar! Either you stay or go w/ the girl who has a big hobby and has a store based around it (movies or music) or the sweet lumberjack. Both take place within a small and tranquil town, where the main character just moved in. They also came out like 10 days apart from each other…

Be gay stop crime.

Translation: I want this REALLY FREAKING BADDDDD