Much like Coteries of New York, this visual novel offers excellent writing that pulls you in, supported by great dark ambient tracks and a fantastic visual style. I really wish there was real gameplay elements, kinda like a Fighting Fantasy book. This should really be the next step for the developers - increase the player agency in how the story plays out. They've already nailed the atmosphere and presentation, now make it an actual video game !

As a longtime fan of Hokuto no Ken, I may be biased, but I believe this game does an incredible job of making you feel like Kenshiro as you massacre armies of punks and make them explode in torrents of gore. The fighting is truly exhilarating, and I found myself thoroughly enjoying the amusing side stories and mini-games, particularly the bartending game.

That being said, it's unfortunate that the developers were not able to populate the wasteland with more settlements and interesting things to discover due to budget constraints. While the game is a blast to play, the lack of a more robust world can make the experience feel somewhat repetitive after a while.

As for the main plot, it offers an alternate world retelling of the search for Yuria, with a well-deserved happy ending that fans of the series will undoubtedly appreciate. All in all, despite its flaws, I would recommend this game to fans of the Hokuto no Ken franchise - roleplaying as Kenshiro is a dream come true!

7 out of 10

As a misanthropist, I had fun. Fuck society. Burn it all to the ground.

Streets of Rage 1, 2 and 3 entirely reworked into a single game and perfected in every way. Made by the fans for the fans. Shame on Sega for killing the project.

A different take on Doom that successfully pushes the horror aspect of the experience thanks in great part to the bone-chilling score by Aubrey Hodges. Indeed the atmosphere of dread is really oppressive here. Also excellent are the maps, easily the best level design in the entire franchise - including DOOM 2016 and its sequel.

A depraved and ultra violent Streets of Rage set in 1986 USSR. The very ugly pixel art is clearly an artistic choice but can become a real pain when there are too many sprites on screen and you can no longer tell what's going on. The very flawed controls and absurd difficulty spikes are also problematic. But the original setting, unapologetic adult content and excellent darksynth soundtrack by Fixions make it well worth a try.

My very first fighting game. You fight your opponent with a bo (staff) and each level corresponds to a belt color. Once you reach the black belt and go into dan, you must also cope with kunai and shuriken being thrown at you. Good game, and quite unique to this day.