6 reviews liked by RetroSlayer81



What a gem! The only problem is that I won’t enjoy exploration in any other game anymore. The amount of details is mind blowing, loved the lore/storytelling and how my choices could have a serious impact, I spent countless hours just to try different choices. For the gameplay, It might be a bit complicated at first, but once you master it’s soo interesting and enjoyable.. Not to mention the perfect voice acting and amazing soundtracks :’)

This is the perfect open world racing game, or at least the best one currently developed. A complete joy to play.

How good this game turned out is a miracle and testemtent to the fans of the series and bomber games. One glance at this game and a common person might just think that this is a quick port copy and pasting the visuals togather to make this game but this is far far from the truth. All the graphics, animation and AI were all created from scratch to look and imitate the oringal games. The amount of detail and work done is quite impressive and it's no wonder this game took like ten years to get to where it is today.

Essentially this game is 4 games in one. Streets of Rage 1-3 and one new games worth of content. The game has multiple paths and sections that interconnect all the games togather and make it one huge experiance leading to so many different outcomes one run could lead into. Through the games 7-8 stages where you end up and what ending you get is determined on the path you take. So many different endings and things too see.

So how do you mash up so many different games and have a cohesive gameplay experiance? This is were the game shines. The game sort of uses Streets of Rage 3 as a base and you can customize dozens upon dozens of details to make the game play how you want or how you remember it. The sheer amount of options is staggering but to be able play the ultimate SoR experiance how you want it is amazing. Do you want updated visuals effects like advanced lighting or shadows? Turn it on or off. Or how about only what the genesis could produce? Turn it on or off. Do you want slain enemies to scream like SoR1 or SoR2? Turn it on or off. Do you want your combo on whiff to keep repeating the first jab or do you want it to go through the whole thing? Do you want the timer on or off? Do you want Streets 2 specials or Streets 3 style of specials? Blood or guns added in? Frinedly fire? The amount of stuff goes on forever. It's so cool.

Gameplay has been perfected. The game is super balanced and has been updated and tweaked for like 5 straight years since it's original release. To say that this is the best version is an understatement. To me it's so good it has made the original versions obsolete. Thirteen year old me would drop have dead knowing I said that. The game has so many characters to choose from. You wanna play as Blaze sure. Do you wanna play as the Streets 1 version, Streets 2 version or the Streets 3 version. Or how about the beta version of Streets 2. You can play them all, with original look and movesets. Heck and when appropriate new moves where they didn't have any before. All the characters from the all 3 original games have added with all versions of them plus a new version of Adam to be in line with 2 and 3, plus 3 new characters.

Lastly I wanna talk about the replay value and extras. This game went well above and beyond the call here. Not only does the game have, branching paths and multiple endings but it has a ton of extra modes and options. There is standard Co Op and there is even Co Op with a customizable AI buddy, which is really cool if you play single player a lot and want simulate another player. SoRR comes with a shop feature where all the money you have earned in the game can be spent here to unlock new characters, cheats and options and new modes. Tons of unlockable options like all weapons are lightsabers or infinate ammo, health and lives, stage select, double enemies, enemies explode when killed, dead bodies stay on the screen when killed and so many more. Then you can also unlock a boss survival, endless attack mode, even mission mode and even a volleyball game. Then there is the grand daddy of unlockables. The Streets of Rage Maker. You can unlock a mode where you can create your own Streets of Rage game using the tools that made this very game. Not only that but you can upload them online and share and play with other peoples created campaigns. That is so fucking cool. I was never good at getting my PC to work with it and learning it but I have played dozens of others user created games. You can customize everything here music and backgrounds and be created and played straight from the game and using your option profile. So cool. Not only do you get the maker but also you get the SoRR editor. In the editor you can change all the names of the enemies, create several different alternate color options for all the playable characters and even tweak the enemy AI if you want.

This game is the ultimate package and it's FREE! FREE! It was created by the fans for the fans. The amount of content here is inspiring. Personally this is most likely my most played video game of all time and there is no reason I ever see that changing. There's always the itch to play the classic campaing, or play a new user created one or try to beat my high score or just survive as long as I can. SoRR is an all time great and it's gameplay is proven to be timeless.

Very jank bugs and terrible for competitive but the overall amount of content is SO GOOD