If you're an aspirer who enjoys video games, this is for you. If flaunting to your parents (or great grandparents) about how you beat Super Mario Bros. was a feat, then think again. To your ancestors (or possibly even you), Mike Tyson's Punch Out is a nightmarish game. Iron Mike is a not a foe, not a monster, but a demon in the cartridge. Once you see Mike hit the mat for the last time, you'll feel the power radiating from the game finally subside. If you wish to challenge this game, know that it will haunt you until you muster up the courage to take on the dream fight.

Ignoring New Vegas fans telling you that Bethesda would beat you up and take your lunch money, this game is pretty satisfying to play. I made this review with a tin can and a pack of duct tape.

A-ah~ Hardeerrr~~

Oh, sorry. I typed my review in the wrong place.

Ever wanted to have the experience of an old Playstation-style version of that one dream you had where you decided to brutally murder someone you love and piss on their grave? No? Too bad.

I want Artificer to sit on my face. Please add sex update and stop updating Returns pretty please.

Top tier game, if you really hate someone and want a fair reason to chokeslam them.

The name 'Sonic and the Secret Rings' sounds like a sex tape about a drive-thru clerk.


Game was fine, but the part in the extra game mode where Bowser takes a three minute cutscene to drink an entire Baja Blast Mountain Dew.

I love this game! The roster is so expansive. Master Hand entered my room and wanked me so that i'd give the game a good review.

I've spit more times in my GBA cartridge to make the game boot up than I have used my spit as makeshift lube.

This game is the equivalent of pre-ordering Cyberpunk 2077 when the hype was at its peak, and getting E.T. on the Atari in the mail instead.

This game is extremely racist. Do not play on speaker at church.