team (sandstorm go brrr):

i played Diamond and Pearl in my childhood, but never touched the better version of the two. fantastic experience. if i die bury me behind Floaroma Town

Interesting twist on rhythm games and the writing got surprisingly good towards the end. Those alone basically carried me through the game since I’m not really a metal person.

god this game cums so hard

this game reeks

I played this shit for the first time in 2013 when it dropped (yes this game is a decade old) and at the current time it’s fundamentally the same game it was back then. I get TFP are a small studio but jesus

First time completing a nuzlocke. Definitely made me appreciate the remakes a little more.

Gyarodos was the only Pokémon alive after Cynthia lol

This could just be me, but I think Toby Fox might be an Earthbound fan

Itoi you madman. M3 took everything that made Earthbound great and ran with it, also managing to be vastly different than it’s predecessor.

Masterpiece soundtrack, story, boss fights, and characters. The only thing that irked me were a few dungeons that called on EB’s sadistic structuring.

Overall the most human/soulful game I’ve ever played.

For being the most anticipated remake in the series, it should have been more

A very long acid trip, and like any trip it can go from stellar to horrible in a matter of seconds. EB follows the trend of classic JRPGs really enjoying bullying the player in the most random segments (Gold Mine and Peaceful Rest Valley are genuinely some of the most unfun parts of any game I've ever played.)

Despite the negatives, I still think this game is the shit! The music is top tier, the goofy dialogue/writing was ahead of its time, and the plot had me pulled in. On the gameplay side of things, EB was revolutionary, being the first RPG with an ambush mechanic and enemies roaming the overworld as opposed to random encounters. The rolling HP mechanic is an amazing feature and saved my ass more times than I'd like to admit.

TLDR; This game is the definition of charm, super ahead of its time, and the blueprint for several games made afterward for a reason

Generational cast of characters

Interesting way to demo the Kingdom Hearts 3 gameplay, voice acting and animation gets kinda wonky at points though

Rated it lower than Gold solely because you can't have an Ampharos in Crystal