This is a pretty good game but it's extremely grindy and repetitive. I'm about 70 hours in, been bored with it for the past 30 hours and according to the wiki I've only completed about 50% of main story line. This is insane.

If you're not afraid of the repetitiveness go for it.

Pretty good game combining colony "sim" and a rogue-like dungeon runner. Great style, pretty easy (except the final boss which is suddenly 20x harder than the rest of the game and you have to watch multiple cutscenes during every attempt to kill him). Unskippable long animations were very annoying though.

There are so many things that are blatantly lazy, poorly designed and outdated, it boggles my mind.

However, it still captivates me. Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome.

6/10, maybe in 5 years with all DLC and tons of mods it will be 8/10.

For a game relying on items you would think the devs would have added in game descriptions of what they do...

Kind of pointless.. But technically it's good.

Terrible economy. Looks like it's going to take 50 hours to afford resigning the contract of your amateur 35 year old striker.

I've played it for about 12 hours and actual gameplay was probably 4 hours or so? All the rest was dealing with issues.

Also it runs like ass on 4090 + DLSS.