A classic, I loved playing the shit outta this.

Sadly I got soft-locked with the only way for me to fix my game would be to purchase land which I cant do right now :[

But yeah, a lovely game, glad they got out from under the old publishers iron fist and were able to publish it themselves :]

After still playing this game for YEARs, i can tell you; Dragon City still has some merit, being one of the few games that don’t pester you with ads every click, its quite fun. HOWEVER, the large increase in the amount of money needed to do anything in this game BLOWS.

Maybe its just me but although I love this game, there is no way in hell would I suggest this to someone unless it became more user-friendly without the need to pay money for everything. The pop-ups are also ridiculous like cmon!

Anyway yeah, it is better than other dragon-raising games but, it has its flaws.

Mars Dragon solos, love you splashy.

I enjoyed what i played kinda? It was weird coming from Plants vs. Zombies 2 to this, very limiting gameplay, not a big fan.

Definitely not as fun as the first two games, but it looked promising! I do hope they continue to support PvZ 2 over this tho.

It was ok, seemed like a tech demo, which is cool I guess.

10/10 would fuck the fisherman again.

I fuckin suck at videogames and this one is no exception, I BLOW AT HALF-LIFE.

Anyway it’s a fun game, I enjoy spamming the interact button on the NPCs. Ahhh Gordon Weedman.

It was ok, kinda forgettable but pretty good nonetheless.

Pretty fun, I loved dying alot and not beating the game 🥰

I still suck at Half-Life :]

I want to spoon Adrian Shepard.

I loved this one wayyy more than Episode 1, just overall way more memorable and enjoyable to me. Get fucked Dr Breen.

One of the best titles on the Wii, this game blows out the original by a landslide. Filled to the brim with content and secrets to explore, Wii Sports Resort is fuckin fantastic, this game has given me & my family more joy than living normally does.

Hope to see them continue this series, which I know could be difficult but they could just easily change the Wii -> Mii and boom, you can save the franchise from being glued to one console EASILY.

But yeah, love Wuhu Island and hope to see more of it in the future.

I used to spend all of my school lunch playing this game in the library, I loved the shit out of this.

Hate games like this but it has Rayman so i gotta give it 1 & a half for that.

I absolutely loved this game, two of my favourite franchises colliding into one amazing game that introduced me to a completely new genre that I hadn’t played before.


Love the idea that the Mario games exist within the Rabbids universe too, also I would totally love for someone to make Rabbid Kong into a L4D2 mod.

My favourite Donkey Kong Country game, this one has so much sentimental memories and just overall appeal to me, I love how it looks, I love the tiki tongs so much.

I used to play this game A LOT with my dad & brother, we weren’t as good as our Dad was but that only gave me motivation to become better and WOOO I’m good at this game now!

I regularly enjoy replaying this game over and over and over. Such a classic.

Yeah playing this on the switch, glad I didn’t spend any money on this game :p

I have heard all the praise and while I’ll give the game what it deserves, I don’t think it holds up nowadays but purely because I was never super into the whole mascot platformer stuff.