I love live action escape rooms, and of all the different video game versions I've played so far, this by far came the closest to simulating the experience and satisfaction of finishing a puzzle correctly. Add in a cute, Harry Potter-like story, and this game made my top 10 list for 2022 right at the buzzer for sure.

Exactly the breath of fresh air the series needed, I just wish they'd taken more of these lessons and applied them to the mainline series.

An incredible experience from start to finish, and a great third game from this studio after I felt a bit let down by the second one.

Very fun deck builder with lots of customization and replayability. Only downside is the loot boxes!


A fantastic cross between Zelda and Souls-like games. I really enjoyed the game manual as a puzzle idea, and the music was superb.

The rare pack where every game feels exciting and fun to play. Quixort and Nonsensory are both A+ additions to the library.