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This is an excellent game! Trails in the Sky SC is such a massive step up mechanically from the first game, while still largely just being an extension of it. The story is pretty regular anime stuff; honestly a lot of themes and the way Estelle affects the world around her is very Naruto-esque (positive).

The world is full of great npcs and constantly updating bits of dialogue that go such a long way in making me care about each of the towns. Estelle Bright continues to be a delightful main character and the way she interacts with the world and build relationships with people is like the driving reason to play this game I think.

Not really holding this against it but this game is ridiculously long. Tooooo long. Clear data is like 122 hours or something and I was not leaving it on without playing much. I'll admit I don't play games the fastest or anything though. It's also one of the more difficult rpgs I've played, at least in the back like third of it.

I think it's mostly balanced really well, the story's fun anime melodrama you don't need to think too much about. I really like the resource managing in this one a lot more than I did in the first game. I'm very interested to see what they do in Sky 3.