Revisited this game again, pretty alright.

What started out as a decent title quickly descended into one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever experienced.
The amount of times it felt like the studio was just screwing you over was immense, the only reason I actually bothered to finish it, I swear was the infected mode since it made the game easier to deal with, with the regenerative health and what not.

The game at least had cool weapons, what the series is known for but it felt like 9 out of 10 times the enemies were just spongey and took multiple clips to take down. A experience I will probably never go back to.

holy shit this is fucking terrible lol
frustrating ass experience, never again.

Second time I've finished this, I think I liked it a lot more the second time revisiting it.
Psychological spooks are certainly the best part and revisiting the Ishimura is fantastic.

Man, I really adore this game. Super underrated, the guns are a blast to mess around with as always with other Insomniac's work, but I think they really shine for me here.
Dialogue is also really fun here and I was surprised they even pulled in Buzzo from the Melvins for a cameo 💀
Only wish we got a sequel to this cause there is a real solid formula that would only get better I'm sure, you can see a little bit of animations for traversal that was reused in Spider-Man I'm sure lmfao.

Third time finishing this game, still a fantastic game.
The ending is still annoying, thanks 2K!

Dead Space is one of my favorite series of all time but somehow playing this DLC was never something I did until recently and boy do I wish I did it sooner.
Shits intense and combat heavy, I'd say its way more fun than the main game at times.
Playing it on Zealot was probably the best way to experience it too, which I didn't have much trouble since I accidentally was playing on Survivalist beforehand for my first run of it 💀

Fun fact, I used to hate this game honestly. It felt very unfair and annoying to play, then I realized I was just playing it wrong and changed my mindset into actually treating it like a character action game and then it just clicked. 💀
Despite being kinda pervy there is actually some crazy set up here you can pull off and it got pretty fun when you actually tried to put something together ngl lmaooo.

Decent game, very fun spectacle, CC2 did a great job with the cutscenes

The story saved this from being lower.💀
The coliseum was probably the worst part cause man the ragdoll and being knocked on the ground for 20 seconds was not making the gameplay fun and the amount of times you got blocked on your blows was giving me Blockuza 3 vibes.

5 long years, but I finally did it, I beat this game lol.
Initially, I wasn't too impressed with it in the first two chapters, but when I pushed myself to get further I couldn't help but get engrossed the more I kept going.
Even sort of knowing what happened couldn't stop me, the performances were fantastic, the side characters were great and all the back and forth with Arthur and co is just fantastic.

Took me 3 years but finally, I have beat it.
Wonderful finale, I really love the turn based combat honestly, there are some things I would change like switching jobs on the fly if you already "learned" it, there are jank with stopping on objects that I'm curious if they'll change how fights work in 8.
What they have here is a solid base for future installments, looking forward to 8 soon!

fulfills that urge to play a PS2 style game.
its fun when the game isn't working against you or putting you into awkward characters like Quartz.

Every time I try to love this game, it throws some hot coffee in my face and reminds me how much I don't like playing it.
There is a lot going on here that I appreciate but in its current state, I'm good on leaving it unfinished lmao.