An excellent Metroidvania that 'leaves a penny'

Takes the core competencies of Metroid and enhances them with the power of modern technology. Highly detailed sprites, larger environments, etc... It takes Metroid and does things only a modern game can do.

It then plays with expectations by introducing glitches as game mechanics and eventually breaks the mold entirely with a teleport that goes through walls.

Many of the features are subtly unique to what anything else in the genre has ever done. Breaking out of the boundaries isn't entirely new as a concept but in this case, it's handled in a way that changes how you think about level design and exploration. In changing your perspective, Axiom verge 'leaves a penny'

The minimap is also a masterpiece of game design, handled in a way that prevents it ever filling out until you've found everything, in this way it's harder to miss items/upgrades, and completing this map is made a part of completion throughout the game.

This game solidifies so many genre staples that I would feel as comfortable recommending this as I would actual Metroid.

a neat take on asteroids that feels great on playdate, had I not come here to review it I'd have lived blissfully with the delusion that it was a true playdate title.
You can decide for yourself if this matters to you, but it does to me.
the fact this was ported elsewhere takes a little something away from it for me...

That said, it's one of the games I find myself coming back to more than any other.

This game had an AURA for me when I used to see it in the arcades. something really magical. I sucked at it.
beat it on an emulator as an adult. genuinely solid but obviously it was never going to live up to the strange dreams of my 8 year old self.

This was a masterpiece when I was 12 leave me alone

This was the only GTA I played as a kid cus i was a PSP nerd.
Honestly every bit as fun to me.


finally beat this game, middle-school-me would be so impressed.


great improvement over the original, still super fun to play in standalone flash.

so now that we know what suda51 was smoking all this time is my experience of killer7 ruined? not really.

I say completed, it broke literal inches from the ending so I just watched it on youtube lol.
It's fun. if someone tells you it has a story fucking run from them.

I used to BEG my parents for quarters every time I saw this cab.

When I first learned about this game I thought it was the fourth in a legacy fighting series, BOY WAS I SURPRISED.

Also it's really fun.

it's still good but it lacks the charm of the old ones.

As Mauler put it, the pendulum of cultural perspective on Dark Souls II has begun to swing into its favor, I want to make sure it swings back. This game is bad, nothing about it is redeeming. Nothing about it should be encouraged. At best it's a few halfway decent ideas that got butchered in execution but AT WORST its a pathetic attempt to cash in on all the worst public perceptions of Dark Souls 1.
This game was forced into existence by an uncaring publisher while the development team of the game it's wearing the skin of went off to make something real with Sony. The rocky development it had was further marred by top-down incompetence and multiple shake-ups before it was shoved out the door stapled together and bleeding.
Worst of all it was then re-released for full price on PC in a slightly modified (but actually worse performing) state.

Nothing about this game should be encouraged.