All the characters are so vibrant and memorable, the gameplay strings you through the narrative, locations, and characters organically in a way no other adventure game had quite achieved before it.

Grim is a masterpiece with so many memorable moments in it,
if story games are your thing this is absolutely for you.

I've started liking this game a lot less on replays but it's still part of the masterful ezio trilogy. Classic AC is infinitely better than anything that came after revelations, but this one is fighting with two arms tied behinds its back.

The worlds and level design does no favors to the improved gameplay. tell me, if we went to all the trouble improving freedom of movement and climbing, why do we spend so much fucking time on a horse that rides like ass?

Still... this is the one that introduced reactive stealth in a MAJOR way. So much replay value in the assassinations etc...

great story, amazing multiplayer (shame it's probably dead by the time you're reading this)

and frankly without this game we wouldn't have had my all time favorite action game.

built on the concepts of the original, delivered another masterpiece, got a tiny bit bloated along the way... but I'm not gonna fault it for trying.

Is it better than the original? no.
Is it still a masterpiece? yes.

Another solid AC game narratively, hampered by some bad choices.
this game has a lot in common with AC4, same writer, same mistakes.
But on the whole I think I liked AC:O a lot more than AC:4

fucking no
don't play it

it's fun, bit mashy, but what did you expect.
worth the full playthrough. probably a ton of depth for replay if you're THAT into twinsticks.

I would have to take a week to explain why I hate everything about this game. I will instead say that this game offended me personally and you should discount my review.

A tiny bit underrated for the souls series.
Jakey put it best in his fromsoft video: this game is basically a greatest hits album... but I'm absolutely ok with that.
Elden ring can be the magnum opus, ds2 can be the black sheep for hipsters, ds can be the OG for boomers, and demon's souls can be the real OG for REAL OGs (and I guess king's field exists for ancient nutters) but imma be real with you.
When I want to listen to a great band imma grab the greatest hits album, I don't have time for The Wall and Wish You Were Here just ain't enough vibes for me... WTF was I talking about.

A very original idea... mostly a good one...
This game really evades classification but I can't discount that I liked it... a lot.

Probably the best Mortal Kombat even if it is responsible for the change in direction that killed netherealm as a serious studio.

This game is called MK11 because it has 11 DLC... also its shit.

overrated gameplay, strong narrative. It's not good as a pirate game, rogue did the gameplay better which is shocking, and the assassin portion has a shocking amount of mechanical depth but is used poorly by bad level design.

As Mauler put it, the pendulum of cultural perspective on Dark Souls II has begun to swing into its favor, I want to make sure it swings back. This game is bad, nothing about it is redeeming. Nothing about it should be encouraged. At best it's a few halfway decent ideas that got butchered in execution but AT WORST its a pathetic attempt to cash in on all the worst public perceptions of Dark Souls 1.
This game was forced into existence by an uncaring publisher while the development team of the game it's wearing the skin of went off to make something real with Sony. The rocky development it had was further marred by top-down incompetence and multiple shake-ups before it was shoved out the door stapled together and bleeding.
Worst of all it was then re-released for full price on PC in a slightly modified (but actually worse performing) state.

Nothing about this game should be encouraged.

I mean it isn't great, but it is underrated.

more accurately, it's unfairly maligned.

I played this game on its own after being away from AC for a while and frankly had some fun.
Sure, going back I realized it's pretty dumb, and yes the grappling hook is a baffling decision... but it's still kinda fun...

Black Flag 1.5... couldn't put it any better.
Sure the story is mind-numbingly incompetent but frankly this game was made by the literal D team... I'm dead serious.
The AC liberations guys made this one and frankly I'm a sucker for their work.
They know how to make a character compelling even if they don't know what to do with that character.
and they have a thing for visual narrative which I'm also a sucker for.

The world is just so captivating. I couldn't bring myself to explore black flags world because i found it repetitive and unrewarding. Rogue put all its eggs into collectathon and world narrative. I actually scavenged the stupid templar armor in this game and that's saying a lot.