Even with the finale not necessarily living up to the rest of the game, I cannot recall the last time a game was able to make me feel such genuine terror and fear so consistently and effectively, yet create such compelling gameplay that I was willing to suffer through the scares. Still gorgeous even five years later. A phenomenal entry in the franchise that (much like RE4 and RE Remake) will probably never be captured quality wise again.

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8 years late to the game and this lovely game managed to not only live up to the hype but charm the absolute heck out of me. Not just a simple ode to the retro gaming of yore, but incredibly witty and smart in offering unique spins on classic mechanics.

I could never bring myself to do a genocide run though.

Dawn of the Dead in video game form. What's not to love?

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A decently creepy and atmospheric walking sim that actually manages to build off the tension it slowly establishes for 80% to a surprisingly interesting climactic third act revelation.

The voice acting in this, however, really kills some of the authenticity. The cult leader's acting/dialogue is especially unconvincing considering how his followers revered him as such a revelation.

Worth a shot

One of the best games from 2021. I HATE CARD BATTLE GAMES, but this one has me excited to come back for more.

If a player went through both a neutral and good run of Undertale and THEN went through with a genocide run afterwards, they should be on an FBI watchlist.

H0tLiNe H0nG k0nG oR h0nG k0Ng MiAmI, rIgHt GuYs?!?!

this played like someone watching a john woo movie was having a stroke

I've purchased, repurchased, played and replayed this game so many times on PS2, PS3, and PS4 that I know it better than most of my relatives by this point.

Can't wait to do it again on PS5.


(IN PROGRESS) So addictive and charming. Geniusly incorporate off the roguelike gameplay into the story and more existential themes. Plus, I'm an aboslute sucker for anything regarding mythology.

Great in concept. Meh in execution.
That said, it was never not funny to unleash huge amounts of traumatic secrets and then casually follow up with "I'm ready for dessert."

Was hilariously CRINGE at first regarding the fan fiction-esque quality of this game, then turned into a boring nightmare of lame puzzles and QTEs that do nothing to draw the player in.

All the vampires look like edgelords and Hot Topic fanatics, and the voice acting is as wooden as the stakes I wish I could drive into this game.

Not even worth playing ironically for laughs.


One of this game's greatest achievements is being able to convey both the horrors and gravity of modern warfare while also utilizing simple yet addictive game mechanics/scenarios that offer make it impossible to put this game down.