2 reviews liked by SOB101

As someone who played countless hours of little big planet, to find out the same developers made another game on a handheld no one owned (though I happened to own it) was really cool and I just had to try it! And believe me, I wasn’t let down in the slightest.

Tearaway, is an interesting game in the sense that it definitely takes a lot of notes from little big planet in terms of a few creative aspects and overall aesthetic. It’s a neat little adventure game that is surprisingly really fun to play on the vita. I’ve found myself returning to this game often as it’s just that fun to play and it’s an adorable little adventure that I can’t stop loving.

Nice story, interesting characters, squirrels

Let me be real with everyone: I’ve never played a metal gear game before. I’ve never played the first game, have only watched a tiny bit of the third game, and know how hated the later games are. So when I saw the substance version of metal gear solid 2 for a super cheap price I kind of had to go for it, besides I’ve never played the series so why not get it? So I bought the game and went straight back home and slammed the disc into my ps2…

This game could quite possibly be one of the biggest masterpieces ever crafted. The story really does rely on you knowing what happened in the previous game (I read a big ass wiki synopsis and multiple YouTube videos so I’m good) and like most Kojima games there are cutscenes that you could practically make into your own franchise of movies in a single game. Other than that you’re all set!

So we start off the game playing as snake, who is trying to find information about a new metal gear but finds out someone else is trying to snag it (liquid from the previous games and some new faces). After that portion you then play the rest of the game as Raiden, debatably one of the most hated characters for a while…I kinda like him. Now don’t get me wrong, I can understand why people didn’t like him at the time but some of the reasons they gave are pretty stupid ‘oh he’s super whiny’, ‘he repeats himself too much’, ‘he asks way too many questions’, personally I found him a great protagonist and as an opposite to snake in a way I found him really cool. As for the rest of the game the other characters are super good. Fortune is mysterious (I won’t spoil what happens during the end but it explains everything), vamp is super cool and funny, fatman is…well he’s fatman. Yeah the story to this game is really great.

The gameplay to metal gear solid 2 is also really good. You come to grips with it pretty quickly and after you do the rest of the game is pretty much a breeze. The boss battles to start with aren’t the most special but as you go on they get cooler and more adventurous. There are also some really nice set pieces that come in later which I won’t spoil.

Overall, did I enjoy my first metal gear game? Definitely.
Should I play the first game? Yes
Am I looking forward to the third games remake (if it happens)? Sure

Great story, solid gameplay (see what I did there?), Raiden is a great new protagonist, Otacon is such a legend, did not enjoy escorting Emma and what happened after…still a good game tho