Claymation Ranking List

For my rule on this list, I'm only sticking to games that are fully Claymation, and not games with Claymation elements like Doom or Mortal Kombat.
Is that an extremely stupid and arbitrary rule, yes, yes it is. But shut up it's my list and I can do whatever I want. (Side Note: This list is unfinished, there are some Claymation games I want to get around to but just don't have the time to play them, so this list is unfinished for the time being.)

Primal Rage
Primal Rage
This is the game that separates the men from the boys, the game that can put hair on your balls, the game that's so radicle most people have died just for a glimpse of this masterpiece, anyone who has lived from playing this game has turned into an absolute beast ready to consensually ram your sweet ass over the dining room table.

I'm a sucker for stylized animation, but stylized claymation, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT I'M GONNA CUM.
Hylics 2
Hylics 2
Unlike most Claymation games this has a good balance of both gameplay and aesthetics making it one of the best by default.
The Dream Machine
The Dream Machine
This was an extremely surreal puzzle point and click game, I'd say it's up there as one of the best modern point and click games. All the puzzles feel very rewarding rather than obtuse and confusing, the story was extremely enthralling, and the claymation just looks amazing.
The Neverhood
The Neverhood
The pinnacle of Claymation video games in terms of looks, everything else has aged very poorly.
ClayFighter: Tournament Edition
ClayFighter: Tournament Edition
A much MUCH better version of the first game.
Pretty good Shoot'em Up that is held upon its claymation and that's about it
ClayFighter: Sculptor's Cut
ClayFighter: Sculptor's Cut
The second best Clayfighter game, its mechanics are much more fleshed out making the whole game feel a lot better, I still didn't care for the game's humor but I feel it's a lot more tolerable than it was in the base game. The early 3D still looks really bad even for N64 but overall it's a pretty good early 3D fighter.
With what it strives in style and aesthetics it lacks in literally everything else.
It controls really slippery, its level design is on par with a mid-tier Genesis game, it has way too many levels for its own good, and its difficulty curb is weirdly steep, between the dumb as dogshit levels and its piss easy bosses which are laughable.
The claymation looks really nice but its fighting mechanics are shallow and overall it's not that fun.
It's a damn shame because it looks really good, especially for SNES.
ClayFighter 63 1/3
ClayFighter 63 1/3
I admire the attempt this game was trying but overall I thought it was really half-assed.
The game is just as shallow as Clayfighter 1, most of the 3D graphics are brown and look's really bad even for N64, and I didn't really care for the humor.
Platypus II
Platypus II
The same as the first game but without the charm.
Fuck Doug Tennapel
Its controls were super slippery, the different animal power-ups were neat I guess.
The worst part was the claymation didn't look that good, it looked like it was half done and the rest was done on a computer.
ClayFighter 2: Judgment Clay
ClayFighter 2: Judgment Clay
What a fucking downgrade, the fighting is worse, the claymation looks worse, and it lacks variety for a fighter.


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