Got filtered lol. Great level design and atmosphere, really loved exploring the world but I must admit I had major skill issue and spent most my time towards the end getting frustrated by the combat against all the groups and having to save scum the whole time.

Had a lot of fun in the first half, but the later zones are just riddled with obnoxious bottomless pits and it really hurt the experience. Least the speed feels better in this than in 1.

Neat little sonic game, but has a few things that hold it back from being up there with the classics for me.

The main issue I have with this game is that you feel quite sluggish to control, with jumps feeling very stiff and weird to get used to alongside an odd momentum gain that never felt that satisfying to me. The other issue is that the zones in this games latter half really like to throw a bunch of bottomless pits that kinda come out of nowhere to you so a lot of annoying deaths will occur (or maybe I'm just bad idk).

The game does make up for these annoyances however with a vibrant art direction and very expressive animation; the advance games have my favourite look from any 2D sonic game and I really hope the trilogy get a proper remaster one day. Each zone has a really nice setting and look to it that makes going through them enjoyable. Music is neat. Length is short enough to blast through in a comfy evening. Excited to see if they refine any of my issues in the second game.

Def play if you like 2D sonic.

Pretty neat little game. Tries to blend the more traditional survival horror aspects on the ship (which is where the game really shines) with the more modern action-focused gameplay in other segments, and I think it balances this pretty well. I will say the second half can drag a little bit and the final boss is probably the most annoying in the series, but a solid foundation and I'm excited to see how 2 builds on this. The plot was also pretty wacky but that made it a lil charming in a way.