milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk

Eu nunca beberei leite novamente.

i hate draconic tree sentinel

wake the fuck up samurai, we have a city to (re)burn

de uma das minhas maiores decepção na minha vida jogando videogame, para um dos melhores jogos que eu já joguei

2.0 + DLC é a versão definitiva de como cyberpunk deve ser jogado e apreciado

Terra, aqua and ventus, all three elements form the depression trio

oh no mtx
re4r and dmc5 with mtx: ...

oh no bad performance: ... thats correct, capcom make the game run like shit, i admit, but is funny see grown man outraged because your frames run below 30 fps

in moment i am 20 hour in game, and its great game, fix the performance and its become a more great game

Edit: finished the game, is about the jorney