90 reviews liked by SaltehTSS

normalize games where you beat up jared leto

99% of gambling addicts quit right before they hit it big

I was part of a focus group for the GameCube version of Super Paper Mario. The game was so bad that every other person who played it died painfully, causing Nintendo to delay the game and move it to the Wii so that the necessary fixes could be made. I am the sole survivor of the GameCube Super Paper Mario Massacre.

The dev team must've been on some strong shit when they created the level where we play on Mario's balls

The only game that let's you go inside Mario's balls

I watched the 2016 election in a Gmod Theater server and people threw popcorn at the screen any time Hillary Clinton was onscreen

it's actually called "Super Mario Bros. 2" in japan



Mother of God, you changed the cover art from the beautiful, hand painting by the director of Ico himself, to the North American abomination. What the hell is wrong with you backloggd?
Please bring back Ueda's painting https://i.imgur.com/azarEXL.jpg