I just bought it cause it was really cheap at the time, so not sure if I'll ever play it

I was looking forward for this game for a long time, but now that I played a little, it's not that interesting. I'll come back to it once I have the time and I don't have more than 30 game to finish that I actually want to play.

I'm thinking of buying it at some point since I really liked the first one, but for now I'll just steal it to a friend.


Don't know why I left the game, don't know when I'm coming back to it, but I will

It's not a bad game. I like how silly it is and how it doesn't take itself too seriously.

The story is amazing, and the atmosphere really helps to get inmersed in this world where your life depends on how you play your cards.
I still need to finish the kaycee's mod, but for now it's completed to me

Yeah, this is going to be my first 4.5 XD Maybe because of the quarantine or the friends I played with, but I have a lot of good memories with this game. It's a fun and quick game that's gonna make you laugh at the cost of your friendships

I had a good time with the game, but it felt a bit empty. Al least for me the boat thing it's something that feels added at the end of making a platforming game and it's a bit extra.

I really like this game, even though it's very hard. I had to stop playing because of exams, but I'll return to it soon