The worst of the Metroidvania Castlevanias by far in my opinion. I gave up playing this one towards the end because I just wasn't having fun. There are three major problems with this game: Sluggish movement, Low drop rates for the cards, and obnoxious enemies. There are romhacks to fix the first two problems, if you need to play this one for completion. If you want a good Metroidvania with a whip-wielding protagonist, try Portrait of Ruin or just playing Symphony of the Night with Richter (though you need to beat the main story to do that). Not sure about Harmony of Dissonance, I need to replay that one to see.

Is the game called Mullet Mad Jack or Mullet MadJack? The world may never know.
Anyway I liked this one. The 80s/90s anime aesthetic is on point, even down to clumsy attempts at social commentary and being "deep". It's kinda got Blood Dragon vibes which I love. There's this cute virtual unboxing thing in the game which makes me hope for an actual physical release, though that likely won't happen. The gameplay is simple yet addictive in an arcade-y way with satisfying weapons and melee. Once I got the infinite-ammo revolver I never used anything else. I had to beat the story mode on Easy because I'm terrible at video games. I can barely get through 3 floors on endless mode. Sigh.


Definitely the weirdest of the Boomer Shooters I've played. The gameplay doesn't reinvent the wheel, it's pretty standard BoomShoot fare, but it's fun and that's what matters. The real draw of this game is the atmosphere and presentation. It feels like some new madness is waiting for you just around every corner, and it just gets stranger as you go, until you get to the ending'll see. Just be warned, there are jumpscares in this game. One of which I thought was really cool and clever, and one that was really cheap and dumb. Oh, it's also brown. Very very brown.

"Style over substance" but not in a bad way. The visuals and music are fantastic, the gameplay is simple but addictive, and the story is far more interesting than you'd expect for something like this. I also recommend checking out mods if you're playing on PC.

I'm not even "into" Batman really, I just think this is a fun beat-em-up. Slamming guys against the background never gets old. The sidescrolling levels aren't as good, unfortunately.

I wouldn't call this game "good"? Gameplay-wise, it's okay at best and jank at worst. It kinda sucks if you try to be stealthy like the game suggests, but if you ignore that and just play it like a shooter, it's just kind of mediocre. Trust me, the "bad" ending is not different enough to care. The reason to play this game is the story and presentation, which are unlike anything else I've ever seen. So much so, that I don't want to spoil anything for you. At least watch a playthrough of this game blind, it's such a trip. I do want to give special attention to the acting, which is borderline movie quality at times, it's so weirdly good for the type of game this is.

I almost died IRL once while playing 5/5

It's a good action game, but an amazing Transformers game. Imagine the characters and universe of the 80s cartoon, but with the insane action of the movies. This game is begging for a sequel with a higher budget, but that sadly will probably never happen.

I've played a bunch of boomer shooters lately and CULTIC is easily my favorite one. It's basically Blood meets Resident Evil 4. Combat, movement, guns, visuals, music, enemies, everything just works. The cultists have a freakin tank. CULTIC rocks, please play it if you're interested.


The most basic FPS joy out there with some of the best guns and sound design the genre has to offer. Play if you like constant gunfire and explosions, and why wouldn't you? In the game. Not in real life.

I enjoyed the game, in spite of its rough edges. The gameplay is not perfect but solid. The progression is weird, you can pretty much skip the entire game just by fishing? I guess that's one way to help people who don't like the open world gameplay loop. The combat I found fun on my first run, but after trying combat mods on PC, the vanilla gameplay feels really sluggish. Especially for a Sonic game.
The story ended being a surprise highlight for me. The writing and acting are probably the best the series has ever had.

As a big FEAR fan, I was pretty hyped for this game. The combat, visuals, and music are fantastic. That said, the campaign itself and the story kind of disappointed me a bit? They're not bad, just...underwhelming, I guess. That said, maybe the DLC will help. Either way, I still recommend it, but maybe wait for it to go on sale.

It's basically an interactive documentary, it's just so cool. I want something like this for other game companies in the future. Sega would be awesome.

The gameplay is still fun, it's more FEAR goodness. The new weapons and enemies are cool. That said, the story is...nothing, and the game goes on for too long. Play if you are desperate for more FEAR, and why wouldn't you be?

Basically an extended epilogue for the first game with some new weapons. It's more of the same, which is good when "the same" is F.E.A.R.