The grinding and episodic nature of the gameplay is both it's weakest and strongest point. It sets it apart from other shmups, but it's not as rewarding as it could be. You will play some hours of this and then drop it for good.

Not since Caravan for Fallout New Vegas I have been so involved playing something I have no clue how to play.

PS3 got yellow light of death and couldn't finish it, hoping I can get a physical copy at some point.

One of the most broken fighting games ever, a glorified MUGEN.

Believe it or not this might be Treasure's most difficult shooter, also probably their last game I think...


For some reason Dazzler's side never worked in the arcade place where I played this.

Stuck in the stupid bank heist...

Ahhh the memories, everyone choosing Bison and flaming torpedo each other over and over.

I haven't played the original for the Genesis, so no idea how they compare, but this is a fun no-nonsense old school shmup. In this era of bullet hell shmups I welcome anything that remembers that not everything boils down to filling the screen with pink bright dots. It has a fair challenge and the steam punk vibe is pretty sweet. Not a classic but worth a shot.

The anchor mechanic is fun, but there isn't too much motivation to keep playing this beyond increasing your score.

The perfect game to relax and chill. Comfy as hell.

Pretty decent port considering this was for the Saturn at a time where 3D graphics were still on diapers. It's obviously not arcade perfect but it plays just the same.

Totally not a bad rip-off of Silent Hill 2, amirite guyz?

Why are all the roads covered in butter? Cuz damn son are all my cars rolling like a frigging Limp Bizkit song.