When people talk about character development, they don't mean big tiddies

This game is pretty good! Me and some friends wanted to learn it in a month and speedrun it together in a race and then the WR holder started hanging out in our streams and basically ruined the game for us. Epicneonninjamonkey sucks.

EXTREMELY stylish FPS game. Worth a sale purchase.

a friend got this for me to play with other friends and i wanted to like it so bad but i just wasn't feeling it and that makes me feel guilty

This is just a really aesthetically pleasing rougelike FPS. I really liked the mechanic of having to retrieve your bullets.

I got this on sale for $5 and I still feel ripped off.

Honestly after playing for about an hour I got embarrassed I owned this and uninstalled it.

"This thing is FUN"
-Wesley Fillmore, AOL Blast

99Vidas is a game about an artifact called 99Vidas disappearing, based on people from a podcast called 99Vidas. The whole thing feels like an inside joke with no punch line. Nostalgia for nostalgia's sake. I have half an hour play time on my steam account, I don't remember much except never wanting to play it again.

I never quite beat this but it's a very fun take on those single screen action games like Bubble Bobble or Snow Bros

This is just a silly fun game to play with a partner, highly recommended. A good date-night game.

This is an insanely fun, super small metroidvania that made me want to speedrun for a bit. Tons of really fun movement upgrades.

I really liked the concept of this, the procedurally generated metroidvania concept is actually done pretty well, I just wished there were like, normal enemy placements instead of a cycle of surviving the horde after a few minutes of just walking around quietly.