One word: masterpiece.
Probably the best game released for the PlayStation 4.
Perfect balance of gameplay and story, and more than enough content even after the main story is finished.

Many may complain about the "new Kratos", but after his long journey and an unholy amount of kills, he is just an older, burnt out man who wants only one thing: peace.
Still, he managed to grow even more in this game, and the father-son relationship shines through.
Atreus may be annoying at times, but remember that he is just a little boy who had to grow up in a very short time.

Bonus point: Huge plot twist at the end.

Demon Souls is in no way inferior to its successors.
Of course, it lacks some quality of life changes and has some janky mechanics, but overall this entry is a milestone.
I played the original on PS3 back in the day and one thing the remake has really improved on is the storytelling.

The only negative thing is the difficulty... for a souls game the bosses are a joke. Somehow the last fight of an area is always the easiest, which takes away all the tension.

It was fun at first, but it really starts to get repetitive.
Did not play much of the second game though.

For me personally, this game was unexpectedly fun.
Once you get into the mechanics it really starts to take off.
Give it a try!

Anyone who loves the N64 Zelda games MUST play this gem.
The japanese folk lore is insanely interesting (at least to me) and fits perfectly into the art style of this game.

I was really impressed by how much this game affected me.
I did not expect much, but the story is something special.
Just take a couple of hours to finish this game, it will be worth it.