It's just a bad game. Lots of controls are touchy. None of the mechanics are particularly good. The jokes definitely don't hold up well, especially in Peter's levels. The jokes are one-note and tiresome. There's absolutely no reason to seek this out, even for nostalgia's sake.

The original game was bad and this is somehow worse. I'm so uninterested in this game after 30 minutes that I'm gonna abandon it. It's not worth my time.

It's got a lot of issues. A lot you would expect, but way more than I thought possible. Like, how do you make the Court of Owls boring?!

This game SLAPS! So glad I grabbed it to replay. Wish it would get a remaster or backwards compatible port.

Fun original ideas, solid gameplay, breezy story, and genuine intrigue throughout.

I think I spent more time waiting for my A.I. teammates to catch up than I did shooting bad guys.

This game is low-key awesome, but it's way too short.

Platforming, controls, and camera were all so bad it makes this game really frustrating to play. I'd rather watch a walkthrough

Bad combat, bad controls, no fast movement, no variety. Overall, just bad. Going to play part 2 but only because I'm a completionist.

Slight improvement, but it's still just open door, punch bad guy, open door, punch bad guy, open door, ....

"Button Mashing: The Game 2" is pretty good!

There's a lot to like here, but also a lot to scoff at.

The environment and gameplay are really cool, but definitely feels like a game from 2009 because car handling and aiming suck. Not enough for me to drop the game though.

The story is bland and predictable, as are the characters. I would love a remake with a better story/characters and more fluid gameplay.

Solid entry in the movie tie-in genre. Wasn't expecting survival horror, but so glad I got it! Would love a modern-made open world Skull Island game!

This game is really fun! Some framerate issues and repetitive gameplay, but a fun time!

Some of the puzzles are ridiculously frustrating not because they're hard to figure out, but because they're hard to pull off due to controls

It is so obviously trying to be PS's answer to Halo that it loses all sense of originality. You quickly forget this takes place in London (or even on Earth) and that it takes place in 1951.

It's fine, but it isn't great.