Really solid entry; my favorite of this generation. The Deadpool level is legendary.

Maybe it's because of all the negative reviews I saw going in, but I loved this game! The world is so cool, the visuals are so well done, the story connected with me at the end. Overall, it just hit me right.
The combat is frustratingly simple and doesn't evolve much, but I had a great experience!
Played in GamePass and will for sure buy when it is cheap.

Really interesting world
Pretty high learning curve, but it's kind of refreshing as opposed to super easy Telltale Games.
I pulled up a walkthrough guide about halfway through and had more fun experiencing everything without getting frustrated at a puzzle.

Totally fine in every way. It's just the same thing. If this is your first game in the franchise, you'll love it, but I've played this same game 3 times before this one. They should take the numbers out of the title so maybe more people will play it without thinking they're missing a bunch of backstory.

I'm glad it was on gamepass. I'll probably pick it up when it's on sale for under $10, because it's still fun.

Some of the puzzles are a but too frustrating and the combat is a bit too repetitive, but this game is excellent! As someone who played it for the first time in 2023, it is well worth your time still!

It also might have the best sound design I've ever experienced in a game.

Smoother gameplay than the original, but not quite as good a story. Still an excellent game I'm glad I'm finally getting around to.

Some choices seem rather rash and almost like they were trying to course correct, but overall an excellent game.

The combat is the worst of the series so far and the story is just not engaging at all.

It's totally fine. Nothing great or terrible. All surface level. Really slow start but picks up. A good intro adventure, but not much more.

These games are all about the visuals and the quirky jokes. It's cool, but get old quick.

A slight improvement over the first, but not the jump I was hoping this franchise would take.

It's everything a remake should be. It fixes a lot of what didn't work about the original (which wasn't a lot), gets a real shiny face-lift, and manages to keep both casual and hardcore fans on their feet.

I still prefer RE2, but i like the more puzzle solving nature of the game and the looming threat of Mr X.

Hoping they do RE1 remake and Code Veronica X remake before they do RE5!

My favorite of the series so far! Heck of a lot of fun!

Mr. Zurkon is the GOAT