This game went so hard. Really set up mechanics for Underground so well.

I will never get over not being able to inverse the right stick controls.

Not just a nostalgia trip. This game rules!

This game rules! i played this a tin as a kid and liked it, but honestly this has been my favorite to play during my recent run (THUG, THUG2, THPS3, THPS4). Feels like a natural stepping stone between THPS3 and THUG. Kinda makes it its own beast, but I had a blast!

It is what it is, but it sure is fun!

I desperately want to play an updated version of this game!

This game is way better than it has any right to be.

The fact that this even kind of works is a miracle.

Mediocre story. Bad voice acting for DC characters. Unbalanced players. All makes for a pretty lackluster experience to a really cool concept.

Love the concept. Remember it since announced, but stayed away because of bad reviews. Figured it cant be that bad, right? It's not awful, it's just boring, uninspired, and has clunky handling. Not worth the 4 hrs it took to beat.


I really like this game. it shouldn't work but absolutely does. Finds an interesting way to tie into the narrative and knows what it is. The fighting mechanics suck, but the puzzling nature really works for me. It's like the early Resident Evil entries, but fewer enemies and the inclusion of moral dilemmas.

It's not perfect, but is way better than it has any right to be.

This game makes worse every gameplay aspect that made the first game enjoyable. The ending is SUPER anticlimactic. It's just not worth your time. But the first game is.

This game is the GOAT sports game.