Games that don't respect your time

Something that bugs me or annoy me a lot when it comes to games is when they seem to take up time for no reason. Therefore this is a list of games that I've played that I found very time consuming without any actual reward. Check the comments for details.


6 months ago

+ Dead Rising 3: Road blocks taking up useless time and vehicles explodes very easily. Full of zombie hoards chasing you constantly and you can't clear the area they keep spawning.
+ Grand Theft Auto V: Primarly focused on online it barely features any checkpoints or saves. It is hard to get money and it is unnecessary long grind for the small amount you'll get.

6 months ago

+ Assassin's Creed: Hard to travel and move, guards everywhere and civilians constantly being in the way.
+ Ghost Recon Wildlands: Some missions require you to travel very far and are very difficult for no reason. Unidad keeps spawning and forcing loud moments. (Mainly the Commendante mission).

6 months ago

+ Manhunt: Bad save system and barely any detection meter. Meaning you'll die a lot for no reason.
+ Monster Hunter World: Monsters and creatures are very high hp and difficult to kill. Limited lives and on a timer (solo play). Sometimes it feels like taking down a beast takes an hour.
+ The Outlast Trials: No option to pause and easy to die. Meaning a 40 minute run can be wasted just for blinking.
+ Far Cry 2: Roadblocks everywhere and they respawn constantly after getting to a new area.

6 months ago

+ Days Gone: Lots of walking, the oil to the motorcycle gets depleted fast and zombies forcing you to go stealth.

6 months ago

+ Assassin's Creed Origins: Gears are locked through an unnecessary grind that will take up your time. Leveling up these gears are necessary to progress as the enemies have different levels you have to consider when fighting. Fighting someone with gears below their level is useless and you'll die quick.
+ Far Cry New Dawn: Enemies are locked through a ranking system and require grind to be able to kill.
+ Far Cry 5: Planes are constantly interrupting you and forcing you to take them out.
+ Far Cry Primal: Predators and animals attacking you constantly wherever you go.

6 months ago

+ Skyrim: Dragons forcing combat onto you and it gets very annoying.
+ State of Decay: Bunch of meaningless quests that serve no real purpose or anything.

6 months ago

+ Grand Theft Auto San Andreas: No fast travel and weird save system. Missions can have a time limit, cars get easily destroyed during missions and very big map.
+ Borderlands 2: Requires a lot of grinding to be able to progress and the loot is all RNG meaning you'll sometimes have to fight the boss several times to get what you want.
+ Payday 2: The game is on some stealth missions rigged to trigger loud meaning being sneaky is worthless. It also got dumb tasks that doesn't make sense irl. Like why would the drill jam or having to wait 5 minutes for chopper serve any purpose?
+ Destiny 2: Haven't played much of it but the dlcs are time limited and get delisted eventually. Meaning all your progress will not be worth it at all and feature lots of grinding.

6 months ago

+ Grand Theft Auto IV: Traveling is annoying and it doesn't have fast travel. Also doesn't feature autosaves and lots of quests are meaningless.
+ Grand Theft Auto Vice City Definitive Edition: Hard to travel and lots of crashing.

6 months ago

+ Saints Row IV: Lots of hacking and side activities are required to be able to progress the story. Is not fun at all just filler content.

6 months ago

+ Saints Row Gat Outta hell: Same as Saints Row IV basically lots of fillers and the story is only 3 hours long meaning there’s lots of useless things you have to do.

6 months ago

+ Borderlands 3: The same as Borderlands 2

6 months ago

Assassin’s Creed Black Flag: Takes long to travel and there are lots of dumb stalking missions where you have to follow a person for a long time.

6 months ago

Tom Clancy’s The Division: Bullet sponge enemies and built on grinding for better gear.

6 months ago

Far Cry 6: Barely any fast travel in the game and it got very demanding missions. Like there is a mission where you have to collect 700 posters.

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