I fell in love with this game immediately. I love the idea of going zone by zone alone and just trying to survive ambushes and dealing with the snow storms. I also love the ambience and the environment. It truely makes you feel like you’re in an apocalypse. Anyways I didn’t mind the looter shooter mechanics and the repetitiveness of the game. I’ve had fun regardless killing bullet sponge enemies for hours. However 5 hours in I suddenly can’t play it anymore because the game freezes and fps drops all the time. And I have the specs recommended. I also hate that the game is live service. Which means if Ubisoft shuts down the server like they have done in the past you can’t play it at all and your progress is lost.

Amazing game with hundreds of hours of content. So much replayability and new builds to try. The characters are great and the music is great. However there is way too many DLCs and money loses value after infamy 5. And while the community is great they can be brutal on new players.

This game will always have a special place in my heart as it got me trough one of the toughest times in my life. There is not a single flaw in this game that I can think of except that I wish it was longer.

Not as good as Team Fortress 2 but I enjoyed it. It was great to have so many characters to choose between and they all worked differently meaning you will always learn something new. Making it easy to put hundreds of hours into the game. It’s such a shame that Blizzard ruined this game. When it comes to Overwatch 2 I have nothing but bad things to say.

It’s a bit better than alright. It’s a fun game to play in the beginning but then as you continue trough the story it becomes repetitive and a dread to complete. I’m usually a stealth fan but this game made me go loud because I had enough of this game in the end. There are also some bugs and some missions are a legit torture to play trough. For example killing El Commendante or the Splinter Cell mission.

A true love letter to both Hotline Miami and Splinter Cell. But the game is just so hard. Enemies react to literally everything you do and see you from miles away. There’s also A LOT of them and while you can quicksave it’s still not enough. Because you can only save 5 times per level. Meaning whenever you make progress you are too scared to save the game because of the limit and constantly have to start over. Aside from all this it’s a great game and well made.

It's nothing like Saints Row: The Third and there's a lot of terrible changes. For instance I hate having super powers and driving vehicles is basically useless. I also hate how you need to hack every store, there are no strongholds and how your homies can't keep up with you and always disappear. But the story is good and I like that you are in a simulation fighting the alien overlord that trapped you there. They also improved the combat since the third and there are much more weapons to choose from in this game.


It's a cool concept and the developer seems to be very passionate about this game. It also looks cool on the switch. However I find the game to be repetitive and boring. You just walk around until a monster shows up. Take it down with either attack or spell. Collect the monster and continue until you have every single one. The combat is just so easy and it's unclear which types your monsters are effective against. I also wish it wasn't made to be like a checklist and more that you can decide your own adventure.

I got back to this game after abandoning it for a while and I actually had more fun than I've had earlier. It's just such a hilarious game filled with dark humor where everything is possible. However what I don't like is that you can't replay missions and for some reason the fps is low in cutscenes which makes it look choppy. Some missions also got a huge difficulity curve so it's just good be aware of that.

Better than the first Bioshock in my opinion but it crashes so much. If you can ignore the crashes then I think it's a real masterpiece worth playing. Fallout/Borderlands in an underwater abandoned city who can say no to that?

Had a good start but a few hours in it becomes a drag to just run around because your motorcycle ran out of gas. The driving is awful in this game and there's a lot of zombies outside the base. Which I mean is fine until you got very limited ammo and a melee weapon that breaks after killing like 10 zombies. The characters are also not likeable at all. Every cutscene except the flashbacks feels like watching two siblings having a row at each other. They did however a great work making the game feel like an apocalypse and it feels very realistic. The animations are smooth as well and gunfights are actually fun. The map looks amazing and it got some cool places.

Sure it’s cool to massacre everyone as John Wick with the new ”mark and execute” feature. The interogations are cool and the storyline is interesting as well. But I kinda miss the old game mechanics. With the light meter and green night vision instead of gray. Sam’s movement is kinda weird as well and the texts that show you what to do are annoying. I just stopped playing because I saw no point in continuing. It doesn’t have the splinter cell charm at all. Might as well play Kane and Lynch idk.

Terrible PC port with fps drop. But it’s a good game that’s definetly more darker than the other Watch Dogs games. You got gang leaders, black markets and prison riots. Meanwhile in the other games they just hack google and run around with tazers💀. So the story is dark and amazing but the game is also very hard. I didn’t complete it because I gave up at a mission.

I didn't play this game for long but I already know it's a banger. At least when it comes to the story which I consider to be fenomenal. But maybe that's because I'm a fan of Hotline Miami and this game reminds me alot of it. The soundtrack is amazing and the visuals looks fucking sick. A lot of the characters looks terrifying and just pure evil. However what I feel like this game fails at is that the narrator voice gets annoying quick. I'm talking about the one saying "KILL BOSS!" over and over. I also consider the game to be challenging right of the start the game and that the different skills makes the game hard to learn. Would love to pick it up again whenever I have the time.