The amount of love I have towards this game can't even described. It has played a huge part of my childhood and helped me get through tough times with it's humor, characters, design and just the nature of the game. But as the saying goes "All good things must come to an end" and that's sadly the case of TF2. This game has been plagued by bots for a very long time and it doesn't seem to get any better. What doesn't make it better is that a video came out recently by "Zesty Jesus" where he tried to make out how many bots there actually are. It turns out that this game is 80% bots and only 20% "real" players. Compare that with Valve almost never updating the game you got a dead game with a delusional community. Unless you want the game to stay like this you shouldn't give Valve any type of money to show them that you won't accept this. And if you think that they don't have the tools to fix it, trust me they do!!

Was recommended this game from a friend and it has since then turned into a big part of my childhood. I have both finished this game vanilla and with mods, I still love it just as much which for some reason is a controversial take considering that this fanbase got a huge obsession with mods. Now to be honest I don't think that this game got any flaws except that I hate with a passion Dwemer ruins and dragons attacking you constantly after a certain level but also that you can't marry Serana. The reason however why I quit playing this game was because I didn't have anything left to do. I tried doing mods but it doesn't feel like a new experience to me and don't come here and say I should side with the blades because that's something I refuse to do until my last breath. So I guess I just kinda grew out of this game and did nearly all this game had to offer. Still miss just wandering around listening to the music or decorating my home but I never got the motivation to boot up the game and do it again. I also think that I know that if I'm gonna make another playthrough I'm still gonna end up as a stealth archer anyways so what's the point lol? Or maybe I should just boot up the game with 1000+ sex mods because that's something I haven't tried yet?

(Paarthurnax will always be cooler in every way compared to Delphine)

This game used to be my number one favorite game of all time (got like 2200 hours on this game) during Operation Burnt Horizon - Shifting Tides, it was a peak fucking game. Good cosmetics, awesome special community, no sweaty tryhards, new maps, new innovative operators, new events and etc.

But ever since the Void Edge operation the game has just gotten worse and worse with time. They removed the old scopes, introduced operators who are way too powerful and got too many abilities (it feels like they belong in Apex Legends and not a tactical shooter game), locked everything behind battlepasses (they only did it once a year before during a collection event) and buffed/nerfed the wrong things. Like for instance: which dumbass thought it was a great fucking idea to nerf Goyo, a character literally nobody plays because he's too weak?!?. The community also changed and it now feels like the only one's playing are kids coming from Fortnite who are more obsessed with kills than doing any type of teamwork. They also turnt more toxic. Also the limited time exclusive content that I grinded very hard for came back a year later just because they couldn't come up with a new event so all my grinding was for nothing and it's something I'm super pissed over. It also seems like this game is just fan service when they've added Sam Fisher (which I can understand), 2B, Lara Croft and more. They also got rid of the community challenges and the weekly weapon charms or garanteed epic alpha packs that were added as celebrations to different countries national days or traditions.

They also nerfed the terrorist hunt renown so now you gotta grind much more and longer for no reason other than that they wanna make money of you. They also stopped and removed a bunch of skins so that you would buy more alpha packs from them. They also just remake everything nowadays and do so with maps that didn't even have to be remaked.

I can go on and on but I'm just so pissed that Ubisoft killed this wonderful game because of their greed and their stupid decisions.

I hate to break it but I feel like this game hasn’t aged well but at the same time feels very special compared to a game like Skyrim (which I grew up with). To start of with the bad the voice acting is so bad it’s not even funny and the dialogue system is so horrendous and their facial expressions. The UI or HUD just sucks and look’s really ugly in my opinion. The game also crashes very often on steam. It also takes forever to level up. However what’s good about the game is the story and gameplay (which is not something special by these days standard but is still unique. You also got tons classes to choose from and weapons have limited usage which requires you to reconsider if the enemy you’re fighting is worth wasting your weapons lifespan over.

I basically grew up with this game because as a kid I wasn’t allowed to play GTA so I bought this alternative instead and managed to trick my parents into buying it. And I remember playing this game with my brother and a few other friends who I would invite to my summer cottage and play with in summer 2018 when my country was struck by a massive heat wave, extreme drought and rapidly spreading forest fires all over the country. Feels weird feeling nostalgic about that.

Anyways about the game I think it’s a very fun game and it got lots of tools you can experiment with. You can play the game in stealth or guns blazing it’s your choice. You can also almost hack everything. As goes for the story it is really good and as you progress the main crew becomes almost like a family where you play a very important role in. Also San Francisco is a fun city with lots of things to sightsee and there’s even gangs operating in certain areas and they are fun to piss off. Don’t got much more to add than that. My only problem with this game is that there’s not that many guns to choose from and way too many cars to rent (yes you rent cars in this game). I also think that the HUD is boring and would be more happy if Marcus had another weapon instead of the yoyo.

(Also bought the game both for my pc and ps4)

A kind of wholesome or cute story between two park rangers. The story is really good and just sticks on you for a long time despite the fact that this is a very short game. The music is also a masterpiece and the graphics/environment is just one of it's own kind and looks gorgeous. Just bear in mind that this game is almost like a walking simulator so don't go in expecting it to be like any other first person game, for me it's not a problem but for some people this would really piss them off. My only problem with this game is that I wished that it was longer :(

Literally just feels like Mortal Kombat but with DC characters. Kind of enjoyable but it gets old rather fast because you're using the same fatality over and over. You are also dependent on the stats on your gear which makes this game almost a little pay to win since you can get matched against someone with completly different stats and much much better gear than your gear (which is a pain in the ass if you're a new guy). Otherwise great set of characters and guest characters, enjoyable story and the same type of combat as Mortal Kombat. So if you like DC and Mortal Kombat please give this game a shot.

Felt like Doom but with nazis instead of demons. Don’t remember much else more than that I didn’t like the story, the characters or anything else. At some times it even feel clunky. Graphics feel old and the guns were just very boring. I prefer Doom more tbh. I gave it a 2 because it scratch my doom itch.

Both the story and the multiplayer do I consider to be masterpieces. The only problem is that there's not really much to grind and that it can be frustrating to find a game when the game crashes or not being able to matchmake for some reason. You could just install Northstar but it just feels so unnecessary. It should be a crime that Respawn and EA slept on this game and caused it to die.

I'm a former Billy and Twins main and I had to stop playing this game for my own sanity and well being. I was heavily addicted to this game but this is not about my addiction but about the game itself which explains why I gave this game 4 stars.

So alright where do I start. I think that Dead By Daylight is a love letter to us slasher and horror media fans. The game is constantly being updated and they are always adding new killers and new survivors from different games and movies. Which is something I just love to see. It really brings us fans together. The game is also very fun and it is just so rewarding in terms of winning games and trying new builds. There are lots of perks and you can easily get 1000's of hours out of this game without any question. The only problem is that a lot of skins and DLC:s are locked behind a paywall so you're gonna have to spend a bit of money to get all of the perks. It is also one of those games to me where I actually liked having to try to get better at. So gameplay wise this game is just so good. It also got tons of interesting and entertaining lore.

However this game got major issues in terms of community, developers, balancing and exploits. Survivors in this game got an unfair advantage over the killer in many areas. They can for example change the aspect ratio which makes it easier for them to spot and predict the killer (abusing this method is not how this game was intended to be played). There is also another problem with survivors being on comms as it gets them an unfair advantage over the killer and makes it easier to cooperate (the game doesn't have voice chat or text chat in game you're not supposed to be able to finish a game in 3 minutes just because they talk on comms). The nerfs and buffs that the developers introduce in each update is just so broken and lots of perks on both sides are being abused because of that. The developers are also so out of touch with their community and have done a lot of shitty things. They also have SBMM so if you do well one game you're ending up with tryhards for the rest of the day.

Last but not least the community has some of the most toxic and disgusting people I have ever met in my entire life. Mostly from when I was playing killer but also as a survivor. Playing as a killer has made me constantly bullied by survivors and I have even gotten death threats for basically doing my job. Also these friends groups also usually bring a flashlight and spam click plus they always tbag when you miss and etc. They often just try to annoy you as much as possible by abusing their perks and their exploits. And no matter how good you do they will always win and will always shit on you for no reason. Having to face that on a daily basis took a toll on my mental health and made me had to seek therapy which is why I quitted playing.

What I would do to fix this is have an option to not get queued with friend groups and keep the tryhards in a seperate gamemode like ranked. And maybe somehow try to get survivor mains to realise that there are killers who play fairly and to remember that they are human as well.

So to summarize it short great game but one of the worst communities and playerbase that I have ever played with.

Basically I grew up with this game and it has always had a special place in my heart. The gameplay is not that special and there’s not much story so you’re gonna have to research on your own (which I think is a fun part of the game). Anyways it’s not like the rest of the fnaf as there are no security cameras but it’s genuinely a scary experience. The atmosphere is crazy and this game is just another level compared to the rest.

I liked this game at first when I tried the demo but afterwards the vibe just died down. I don't know what it was as I usually like platformers but this game just didn't hit the same way as it once did whenever I tried it at friends houses. Maybe it's because I'm older now or that it feels childish to play or that it's too easy?

The amount of love I have towards this game can't even described. It has played a huge part of my childhood and helped me get through tough times with it's humor, characters, design and just the nature of the game. But as the saying goes "All good things must come to an end" and that's sadly the case of TF2. This game has been plagued by bots for a very long time and it doesn't seem to get any better. What doesn't make it better is that a video came out recently by "Zesty Jesus" where he tried to make out how many bots there actually are. It turns out that this game is 80% bots and only 20% "real" players. Compare that with Valve almost never updating the game you got a dead game with a delusional community. Unless you want the game to stay like this you shouldn't give Valve any type of money to show them that you won't accept this. And if you think that they don't have the tools to fix it, trust me they do!!

I wholeheartedly believe this game is overhated. Sure it’s not better than New Vegas but if you appreciate it for what it is it’s a solid good game. Since it’s set in Washington DC instead of the Mojave Desert it’s gonna look more depressing but it actually feel more dystopian and fallout-like seeing these huge completly destroyed apartments everywhere you go compared to just a desert where it’s just sand. Also the main missions ain’t that bad and if you hate it just download a mod to skip it or do it later. After all it’s a bethesda game which means everyone does the side missions before the main.

Grew up playing this game at my friends house and never really got bored of it. My only problem with this game is that ubisoft broke it recently for no reason and my save file got deleted and it also got an awful lot of tailing missions. Besides from that the game is almost therapeutic both visually and immersive wise and mindlessly fun just doing whatever you want or raid pirate ships.