I liked this game at first but oh boy after a while the game is so annoying to play. You're constantly chased by zombies and they are packed everywhere. It is so annoying to get attacked everywhere you go constantly and hearing that chase theme. Vehicles break very easily and roadblocks are constantly in your way. The boss fights are good but they are not challenging at all. Too many unlockables and they are not even marked on your map. Too many side quests as well. What this game however does right is the graphics, weapon and vehicle combos (I love them) and of course bosses. It's just becoming so annoying after a while and doesn't feel like Dead Rising 1 at all. No matter how many zombies you kill you will constantly get jumped and attacked. Can't even dodge them.

I feel like this game will make it big one day but it's not there yet. There's no music in this game except in the main menu and that's a deal breaker since it's inspired by Cod Zombies. The wolves makes no sound and the zombies barely makes any themselves so it's almost completly silent unless you shoot with a gun, no ambience what so ever. There's no voice acting as well. I had a bug where a door I bought didn't disappear (Apocalyptic City) and the grenade I threw fell into a void (Western). I also think that the game looks very bright and would prefer if it was more dark and more detailed. The game also runs poorly even though I have a decent gaming pc. I wish I could give it a mix review but it's not possible. As of now I don't recommend it since it feels like it's still in EA but I think if these things get fixed then this game will be fantastic.

I have to say that this is the game I've been looking for ages for. As a guy who loves Outlast, Resident Evil and stealth games. And this game got it all. My only problem would be that the letterbox is annoying in the cutscenes and that the story feels just so intense. It's like there always has to be a distaster going on constantly and it feels maybe a bit stiff.

It worked fine in the beginning but after around 3 hours I just gave up with this game. It literally feels like I'm playing a roblox game and the world is just so dead. The NPC's don't even react to the environment and the character models gets more and more annoying the more I play. At some point the combat also gets annoying for the fact that they couldn't even make a decent corsair. Rockstar also censored the word "haitian" as it is "offensive" so whenever it comes up, the characters just go silent for no reason and just stare at each others. And these are the same people who used to give no fucks and produced Manhunt 2 as a fuck you even though the first game got banned. I am so disappointed that I wanna hide the game for the rest of my life in my steam library. Don't make my mistake and buy this game.

I remember trying this game at my friends house when he bought it at launch. I sucked at it but it was still fun. When I later decided to buy it for myself I was aware that people say this game sucks but I didn't have any problems with it. Far as I know it improved on those things I wanted improved in Borderlands 2 with the graphics and guns. The story however did I find just ok and nothing too crazy. If I managed to get rid of the stutters I would actually feel motivated to complete the game.

I'm aware that this is a controversial thing but I've played Borderlands 3 before 2. So while this game excels in the story I don't think the guns and the world aged well. And for a game that's revolving around just shooting thugs and bandits. This is a huge deal breaker for me and it's why I rarely ever pick this game up and play it. The story goes on forever which is a good thing but it just feels so boring and pointless to get trough. The game however offer you skills to use and make builds with but it takes forever to even level up so it takes too long to actually get to the good part.

First horror game in years to actually make me ”nope” out of a game. And it was the first moment I entered the monastery when it was just me and a dark corridor. What made it so terrifying was the ambience and the visuals. But the most terrifying part was that somewhere in those hallways something is searching for me and I’d be dead before I even know it. It feels like playing an empty gmod map and at any time you are gonna get a jumpscare but it never happens. It only increases your paranoia gradually.

This game is just alright. It’s fun to smash billboards and drive as fast as you can trough speed cameras. But there’s not much this game offers besides that. Sure there are races but I just feel like there’s nothing to do at this time and nothing really to explore. Some of the cars are also locked behind paywalls.

I like this game alot but it doesn’t come problem free. For example the performance is terrible even though I have the required specs. It ran smooth in the beginning but the more I play the worse it gets. I also hate the launcher and having to change password regularly making it a pain in the ass to boot up. What I do like however is the story, graphics, lightning and music.

I was at first a little too harsh on this game and went on with the hate train that it came out with. But with time I have slowly come to terms with that this is Far Cry nowadays and I've just have to accept it as a former far cry fan. The characters have really gotten on my nerves. They are very childish and feels like they have been written by a 12 year old kid. When it comes to the villain he doesn't even know who you are unlike the other far cry games. The world is so huge for no reason and you can only fast travel to very few places. So to get to places you gotta drive by car and there's roadblocks everywhere that forces you to stop the car and fight enemies. The supremo backpacks are terrible and take too long to recharge. The only good thing about this game is the weapons, there's a lot of variety and they feel good to shoot with. The healing animations are also something else and I love Guapo and Chorizo.

One of the most memorable games that I've played and a fantastic story. The setting they picked for this game is perfect as well and I just love the whole samoan culture that is in this game with tattoos and stone relic collectibles. The only problems I have with this game is that Vaas is not the main villain and that the main villain is much more boring.

To be honest this game disappointed me a little. Like I think Pagan Min is a fantastic villain but the Golden Path is just as bad as him. So when I'm playing this game all I'm feeling is confusion and being lost. Like I don't know what to do and I don't know who to side with. Compared to the other far cry games were there's an obvious villain and it pushes the story forward since they give you a purpose. I also felt like this is just a reskin of Far Cry 3 and I just felt like I already played this game.

I'm gonna be honest and explain why I bought this game in the first place. It was because 14 year old me was horny as hell for 2B so I didn't care about the gameplay back then lol. But after 13 hours of playtime I gotta admit and say that I find this game to be very average or mid. Nothing really strikes me about this game to be anything special but maybe that's just me not being fan of JRPG's or the fact that I had to play this game on easy to progress. Many people are very captivated by the story but I didn't find it interesting.

I honestly don't know where to start. This game is incredible. Never have I played a game that focused so much on the story and didn't fail to deliver. It's a heavy political game but is by no means woke because they portray all political sides in a respected manner. The combat can feel a bit dated but it's not something that matters since it's not what you're gonna remember this game for. The world looks interesting even with vanilla graphics and it's made so incredibly well like there's always something to explore. The only problems I have with this game is that the achievements are not working properly and it crashes frequently. But if you save frequently it's not gonna be an issue and you can use mods for the achievements.

- Ave true to Caesar

Great game that can be relaxing. But often times is not. There’s always something going on whetever it’s a Trex breaching containment or your coworkers sabotaging the park.