I wholeheartedly believe this game is overhated. Sure it’s not better than New Vegas but if you appreciate it for what it is it’s a solid good game. Since it’s set in Washington DC instead of the Mojave Desert it’s gonna look more depressing but it actually feel more dystopian and fallout-like seeing these huge completly destroyed apartments everywhere you go compared to just a desert where it’s just sand. Also the main missions ain’t that bad and if you hate it just download a mod to skip it or do it later. After all it’s a bethesda game which means everyone does the side missions before the main.

Grew up playing this game at my friends house and never really got bored of it. My only problem with this game is that ubisoft broke it recently for no reason and my save file got deleted and it also got an awful lot of tailing missions. Besides from that the game is almost therapeutic both visually and immersive wise and mindlessly fun just doing whatever you want or raid pirate ships.

I'm gonna be honest I've played this game for 13.2 hours now and I thought I would never be the one to say this but I struggle finding any motivation to keep going. I love this game for the atmosphere and the environment but the gameplay starts getting old. It feels like I'm running 200 meters, encounter 3 enemies, continue cycle until arriving to my destination. Not the mention I start getting annoyed from hearing the same "entering safezone" "warning hostile nearby" operator voicelines. I also find myself not being able to do much in the game beside from free roaming and I just wish there were more missions in the game with a meaningful objective since I'm running out of them. It also doesn't make it better that I'm basically feeling like I'm wasting my time since all of this progress that I'm doing sooner or later will be erased since this is a live service game.

As someone who grew up with SFH:2 I looked forward towards this game's release and purchased this game on launch since I desperately want to see a SFH:2 remaster happen. But tbh I was disappointed by this game. The bots act like tryhards, the slot machine feels so boring (you never get any good rewards) and everything in the store feels so overpriced. Not to mention the store doesn't update and the matches just feel so "Dead" like a unity game. I also think that the artstyle and gun sounds being improved makes it not feel like SFH.

I have purchased this game two times. The first time I couldn't get through the tutorial because of the famous v sync bug that makes it impossible to get through one of the doors and I ended up refunding it. Now almost a year later I bought it again and tried to fix it, and it worked. So now when I finally got the chance to play it I'm just gonna say this... it lives up to the hype. The atmosphere and the environment is among the most unsettling ones I've ever put myself through and I'm saying this as somebody that got numb to horror games due to repeated exposure and also played during daytime with lights on. Can't wait to complete this game but it's probably not gonna be soon sadly.

I was worried this game was not gonna hold up and be a bad experience but I was wrong. Graphics still look good in 2024 and I didn't have any problems playing it after Borderlands 2. It got just as much fun gameplay as the rest and the dialogue/plot/atmosphere/ambience still holds up very well. The only thing I don't like is the hud as it looks very boring and outdated but it's alright.

Decided to get back to this game for the fourth time after complaining about it being repetitive and boring. For some reason this time I'm having such a huge blast with this game and time just flew so fast. I don't know why this happend but I think it was because I paid more attention to the voice lines/humor and the fact that I've never really paid attention to how beautiful this game looks that made me appreciate this game more. Or maybe it's just because I've started getting good weapons that are cool to look at and actually deal a lot of damage (my favorite is Teapot so far). I've also started to like the characters personalities much more and how they make every dialogue feel special. Take for instance Scooter, I always hated and found him annoying but there was a scene (won't say details in case of spoilers) where his personality made everything better that made me burst out laughing. It's a scene where Lilith is teleporting something huge and when that thing gets teleported Scooter is just screaming "CAAAATCH AA RIIIIDEEEEEE!!!!" (was a voice line I used to hate) which is just hilarious. What I'm tryna say is that I love this game and it surprisingly started ticking all my boxes from what I want from a game.

Randomly got the urge to revisit this game that I got bored of 6 months ago. Back then I had a problems with things like saturation, contrast and the edges of objects looked weird. And I managed to fix that now so the game looks gorgeous. I’ve also started somehow to understand this game more when I came back to it and I don’t find it as repetitive as it was before. There’s a huge variety of different types of missions and the story is actually kinda cute/wholesome when it comes to Deacon and Sarah but it’s also very dark at the same time in the other missions which I think it’s perfect. The soundtrack is just a different type of vibe and sometimes I’ll find myself just enjoying the environment. This game is such a blast to play and it’s really sad to see we’re never getting a sequel.

So I finally managed to bring myself to complete this game and it wasn't really a fun experience to do low chaos. There should be no reason that witches should count as a kill and most enemies really had it coming. I still don't think you should be punished for killing them. Only reason why I spared them was because I think Emily is cool and going on a murder rampage doesn't feel like her. The story is good however, gameplay feels like the same from start to the end and the environment is just really empty and boring to explore. Graphics didn't really interest me as well. What I will say is good is the level design and the different approaches you can take to each missions. It makes the game slightly more enjoyable.

This game’s graphics looks really good and the gameplay is very smooth and satisfying. The music is amazing and the voice acting is great. Story is also good. My only problem with this game is that it gets repetitive and some characters are just so boring to play as (Doctor and The Bride). It’s also very centered around timing and it’s not really doing it for me. Feels more like a puzzle game than s stealth game.

Unironically one of my favorite games of all time and I didn't even play this game much as a kid. But maybe that's just because I've always liked pirates in any form of entertainment. For this game I've honestly can't come up with a single level or thing that I've disliked. Everything was just such a joy and an absolute blast to be playing.

This game is such a nostalgia trip and even though I'm a grown ass young man I sometimes become emotional playing this. I am proud to say that I have 100% this game even though getting there was not fun at all. Sometimes it feels like you have done nothing but killed the same enemy over and over again for 30 minutes. It's also annoying that you constantly get shot at when trying to build something and just when you're about to get done you get shot at and the thing collapses. The challenge modes is also the bain of my existence and I really hated the extra lego city level. In my honest opinion this game is the best when it's only played in story mode and when you forget about the extra things. Just trust me on that one, chasing 100% made my childhood game become tedious and frustrating.

Used to play this game at my friend's house as a kid and it was a nice nostalgia trip coming back almost 10-9 years later now as a 18 year old. I was about to finish the game but somehow my game got messed up and my entire save got deleted (the game don't have steam cloud). And while I think it's a good game I don't really feel like replaying it all over again, which is why I'm abandoning it. But with those things said I think the game is certainly fun and combat feels much better compared to older lego games like Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Having a boss on every level is also a very fun part and also getting the chance to collect them for free play. What I didn't like what so ever is that I think that the batcave is really boring (barely any people in it) and it is annoying to switch to the asylum constantly. I also dislike how almost every minikit is locked behind a freeplay character which means that there is no point in collecting minikit when playing story as you will have to hunt almost all of them in freeplay later. Now this is my personal opinion but I really despise all these vehicle only levels, I wanna smash thugs and bad guys and not just drive for an entire level.

I'm very neutral to this game. I don't think it's a bad game but it's by no means a bioshock game. There are no abandoned cities, no splicers, no big daddies, doesn't take place underwater and the protagonist can speak which I think breaks the immersion. But I still think the story holds up, gameplay is very smooth and the abilities/weapons have improved since the previous game. It still got interesting themes as well but it doesn't feel related to bioshock at all.

I like the gameplay, graphics and the story. So there is nothing I don't like there. However what I don't like is the steam port of this game as it keeps glitching, crashing, is full of bugs and have inconsistent low framerate on over the top hardware. By far the worst port I've ever seen in my life and I can do nothing but pray that this game gets fixed even though it looks very unlikely considering the closure of Volition.