One of my favorite games of all time and it hits like home. I've got many fine memories of playing this game with my friends and just goofing around in this huge sandbox. Graphics looks amazing and the story is perfect. All of the characters are very interesting and the villains have their own specal relationship towards the player. The music is perfect as well. Only problems I've had with this game is the gunplay is very stiff and boring. Hunting can also be boring when almost every animal dies in one shot. The enemy variety is also not alot and sometimes it feels like you keep killing the same cultist over and over.

I know I'm the minority hear but I actually liked this game alot. But maybe that's because Far Cry 5 is one of my favorite games of all time. This game compared to Far Cry 5 improves on a lot of things. The companions become better and more useful the more you upgrade them. The gunplay looks and feels better but there's not a lot of variety. The graphics looks gorgeous. They also removed the annoying planes. My only problems with this game is that it should've have been longer and that they should give you more bases to upgrade for replay value. Also the expeditions suck.

I loved the theme of the game. Egyptic gods, pyramids and pharaos. The main character Bayek is also very special and stands out from the other assassin's. He's either the boogeyman or the average dad. So the story is good but I didn't find the gameplay to be fun. It's very RPG like and doesn't feel like Assassin's Creed at all. The enemies also have levels which means that stealth is basically useless. The world is also ridiculously big, dead and empty. You are also forced to grind like hell to be able to progress in this game which is not a fun task. Especially if you're hunting animals and they have levels.

This game got one of the best jumpscares I've ever experienced and the immersion is peak. As this is a spoiler free review I can't go into examples but just know that you are always being watched and things will move by their own when you turn your back. My only complaint is that I hate the combat so bad and that the ui needs to get fixed. Because it literally looks like I'm browsing a website from 1990's with the ugliest font and colors imagineable. I may be harsh for giving it only 3.5 but it's a huge deal breaker for me because I don't feel motivated to play it again.

As a huge outlast fan this one hurts to review. I was prepared to ignore that this game doesn't have a heavy story like the others but playing this game made me realise how much better it would've have been. You encounter the same enemies every game, you are doing the same meaningless tasks over and over, you also have gadgets which breaks the immersion. This game basically feels like a "running" simulator and there's nothing worth it to keep you staying. Just nothing. No girlfriend to find, no asylum to escape and etc. The closest thing you get to an actual story is collecting documents and let's just be honest. You'll be better off watching a youtube video about it than go search for them yourself.

When I first bought this game I thought it was gonna be boring and repetitive. Maybe I would even refund this game. But this game actually proved me wrong and I'm having a blast playing. I love all the boss fights and I love the old graphics which looks very aesthetic for some reason. But most of all I love killing zombies and finding hidden weapons. The only negative about this game is the survivor ai which is horrendous and that there's a time limit. I wouldn't mind it if you were able to speed up time by sleeping or something until the next case. Instead of waiting and doing nothing. I also hate that the game doesn't have a gamemode without a time limit because I just wanna free roam the mall and kill everything in sight until I'm bored.

As I said in a previous review I'm not the biggest fan of boomer shooters but this game together with Dusk are the few that I actually like. And for some reason this game hits the sweet spot and remind me of a game I grew up playing. Only difference is that it's more gory and low poly graphics instead of pixels. For that and the time I've had playing this game I consider this to be a very enjoyable experience. I just wish there would be more guns in the shop and a steam workshop.


I'm not the biggest fan of boomer shooters but I actually enjoyed this game a lot. Especially the survival gamemode for some reason. I also love the theme of this game with the leathernecks, mages and wendigos as well as the map design. It's what stood out for me the most and the weapons being fun to shoot with. My only complaint is that navigating can be hard in this game and I don't really know why I need morale in this game.

I feel like this is an "ok" game. Nothing too crazy and nothing too bad. However it just got repetitive fast and I just lost interest and moved on to another game.

I only played for like 20-30 minutes and I enjoyed it alot. It feels really special and I just love that they mixed resident evil with dinosaurs. And the low poly graphics make the game even more exciting. However I didn't like playing on keyboard and mouse. So I'm probably gonna wait until I own a steam deck or find some way to play with a controller because I can't play this game on a keyboard.

Playing this game was so frustrating and I actually rushed trough the whole thing because this game didn’t age well. Lots of bugs, the voice acting is corny and annoying. And for some reason every time you shot something you gotta shoot it multiple times because for some reason Sam Fisher can’t aim for shit. The forced loud moments are horrendous to play trough and some levels are harder than they should. But I gotta say that the graphics looks very aesthetic and looks amazing for a game this old. The characters however is another story. The gameplay itself is also very enjoyable when the game actually feels fair and not too difficult.

I have played this game for like 15 hours and I consider the story to be one of the best. Like there's no game that I've played that beats the kind of brotherhood you have as CJ with Big Smoke, Ryder and Sweet. There's also a lot of humor and even though this game came out 19 years ago the humor still holds up. The graphics also look very aesthetic. My only problem that I have with this game is that I wished some characters stayed around for much longer. Without them the game feels actually kinda lonely. Which is why I didn't bother to play the rest.

When I was a kid I used to play this game alot together with my brother. We would take turns in front of a laptop and just play custom games until it was time to go to bed. Never bothered to play the campaign and to this day I still haven't played it. I have easily dumped 400+ hours into this flash game and I'm far from getting tired of it. Would love to see this get a remaster in the future :)

I didn't play this game for long but I already got bored 1 hour in. Every match that I've played felt the same and everything was either locked behind a paywall or needed to be grinded. The zeds variety is not alot and after a while they all feel like braindead ai that does nothing except chase you. The character voice lines are annoying as hell and the overall overhaul makes it look like a unity game. The only thing good about this game is the weapon variety, steam workshop and the music.