It's a very unique game and I should be ashamed of myself for not completing it. In terms of gameplay it's a fun experience with lots of options on how to complete a level. The music is very good and sounds better in game compared to on spotify or youtube. The visuals looks great as well and the dialogues is where this game stands out the most. My only problem with this game is that it forces itself to be very aesthetic. It's not a bad thing but to me it feels a little desperate.

I realised after playing Dishonored 2 that what would've have made this game better was if Corvo could talk. The story was average and very predictable. I also didn't care much about the characters and the way the game punishes you for killing is very stupid in my opinion. But I had some fun with this game even though it's very limited in terms of gameplay compared to 2.

I actually refunded this game because this game was not it. The main character is annoying and unlikeable. It's very linear and you just go from point to point. There are barely any weapons in this game and the fun dies pretty quick. It overrall felt very soulless and empty. It's not the worst game I've played but it's between horrible and mid.


What happend to the developer is horrible and I sympathize deeply with him. Having someone steal your idea and making more money of it (looking at you Poppy Playtime). I can’t even imagine how much that hurts. So I bought this game to support the creator.

But I’m gonna be honest the game is not the best. The graphics look bad in the first chapter and feels like I’m playing a roblox game. Which kinda ruins the experience a lot. The monsters are somewhat edgy as well (the one with the smile) and I don’t like the idea of buying a dlc to continue the story for a game I already paid for. The pathing also don’t work for some monsters and got bugs.

However the story is great and it’s a large variety monsters unlike poppy playtime. With different ways to beat them and different environments. It’s also impressive that 1 person made this game and it’s cool that he got livestreams when developing the game.

Terrible pc port. Overrall a decent game. The story is forgettable and it got some forced loud moments that I didn’t like. Movement felt weird and the cover mechanics as well. It was cool however that you could turn invisible and it’s not a bad stealth game.

This game is perfect in every way and it’s a shame we never get a true sequel. I remember playing this game back in 2017 when I got my first gaming pc. This was one of the first games I’ve played and it was good times. Nowadays when I load it up I just start crying like a baby when I hear the menu music because I miss those simpler times. And I’m a grown ass man. The nostalgia truely is real.

Yeaaaheheh balls and cyborgs. This game is great!!! Nah but jokes aside this game was way too short. It’s not the best story you ever played in your life but it’s just a fun experience. Everything is in neon and it’s a retro vibe to it. The soundtrack is amazing as well and got collectibles. My only complaint is that at the end you get a very op weapon that destroys the fun in the end game.

Predators and animals constantly attack you wherever you go. The characters voices are so annoying and they just say ”Ull bad you good”. The map also feels very empty and big. Everything feels lifeless. What’s cool however is the taming and that’s basically it.

Had an interesting start but the fun died quickly. I hate having to constantly take pills and how much of a wimp the main character is.

I didn't play this game for long but I already got bored 1 hour in. Every match that I've played felt the same and everything was either locked behind a paywall or needed to be grinded. The zeds variety is not alot and after a while they all feel like braindead ai that does nothing except chase you. The character voice lines are annoying as hell and the overall overhaul makes it look like a unity game. The only thing good about this game is the weapon variety, steam workshop and the music.

When I was a kid I used to play this game alot together with my brother. We would take turns in front of a laptop and just play custom games until it was time to go to bed. Never bothered to play the campaign and to this day I still haven't played it. I have easily dumped 400+ hours into this flash game and I'm far from getting tired of it. Would love to see this get a remaster in the future :)

I have played this game for like 15 hours and I consider the story to be one of the best. Like there's no game that I've played that beats the kind of brotherhood you have as CJ with Big Smoke, Ryder and Sweet. There's also a lot of humor and even though this game came out 19 years ago the humor still holds up. The graphics also look very aesthetic. My only problem that I have with this game is that I wished some characters stayed around for much longer. Without them the game feels actually kinda lonely. Which is why I didn't bother to play the rest.

Playing this game was so frustrating and I actually rushed trough the whole thing because this game didn’t age well. Lots of bugs, the voice acting is corny and annoying. And for some reason every time you shot something you gotta shoot it multiple times because for some reason Sam Fisher can’t aim for shit. The forced loud moments are horrendous to play trough and some levels are harder than they should. But I gotta say that the graphics looks very aesthetic and looks amazing for a game this old. The characters however is another story. The gameplay itself is also very enjoyable when the game actually feels fair and not too difficult.

I only played for like 20-30 minutes and I enjoyed it alot. It feels really special and I just love that they mixed resident evil with dinosaurs. And the low poly graphics make the game even more exciting. However I didn't like playing on keyboard and mouse. So I'm probably gonna wait until I own a steam deck or find some way to play with a controller because I can't play this game on a keyboard.