Alright gameplay, boring but sometimes funny story, decent graphics, amazing soundtrack.

Just listen to the soundtrack online tbh.

Just a really solid port collection

This game is better then it has any right to be.

Amazing collection, get it if you have a DS.

The soundtrack is way too good for this game.

Solid port of a great game.

Not amazing but not nearly as bad as people say it is. It’s a perfectly “eh, it’s alright” game.

Actually fucking amazing game

Incredible game, both for non Sonic fans and especially Sonic fans. Must play if you’re a fan of platformers, Sonic, and/or just good games in general.

Probably a top five game for me.

Way better then it has any right to be.

*originally played on DS through Classic Collection.

Easily a top three game, absolutely amazing.

I like it, fun game. Has great music, good visuals, pretty good story, and overall is a good time.

Legitimately a near perfect game. Even with it’s faults, everything else is so good that i’ll still give it a 5/5.

This is how I played the Wii original lol. It’s fantastic, a solid 3DS port of an incredible Wii game.