The remastered version of the last of us to ps5 is a safe purchase delivering the story in a graphical update for the latest generation of consoles. A memorable revisit if necessary.


An interesting rouge-like with a good balance between story and combat. Not completed the story as other games took my attention away, but would like to pick it up again when possible.

This game was a unique experience when i first played it. It remains as a memorable experience because of the charming characters and tone of the story, and to an extent opened my eyes towards games made by independent developers.

An iconic game that I could not have experienced until years later. Skeptical to the graphical art and controls, but once delving deep into the game we can say it left impressions.

The story is among the better FF stories told with interesting developments and impactful scenes that remains memorable. The combat provided variety and could be fun, but felt impatient to finish the combat to continue the story.

This game is an old gem from my childhood that I have fond memories of. The introduction blew my mind because it showcased a variety of gameplay. The rest of the game took eternity to complete because I had no clue where to go. It was overall a fun experience where little of it felt confusing. Playing it again at an older age now makes the objectives clearer.

The gameplay and the story is scattered throughout a segmented open world requiring a lot of traveling. As mentioned previously this game contains a lot of variety in terms of gameplay. Majority of this is fun while some portions could be excluded.

Attempting to take off the nostalgia there is still a fun and interesting game present, but it may be a mixed bag.


A strong artistic experience finished within a sitting. There are few games that have provided me strong impressions and emotions. This is among the few.

The art and sound design is unique and set apart from everything else. The misleading title of the game "gris" is a contradiction to what you will find. From a beginning where it evolves along with the experience is slow but steady, and when used to enhance the themes and tone of the game it becomes impactful.