The best game I've ever read. Can't even pick who the best party member is—they're all too well-written, including the Nameless One. The minus one-half star from the score is purely because I don't like the combat, but NGL I can't think of a more interesting alternative 🤔

The plot and characters were so good I suffered through probably one of the most unpleasant turn based combat systems I have ever played for wayyyy longer than I ever expected. I play almost exclusively turn-based RPGs combat-wise and am a sick bastard who will and has grinded for fun across almost all the RPGs I've ever played...but IDK, the menus in this game felt so slow from even the first level at Tatsuya's school I began to dread random encounters because of how much time it would take to even run away. That plus the long dungeons meant I did NOT have fun playing this. Still four stars though; the story and cast were just that compelling IMO.

The Special Support Section are the only cops with rights

This game is deadass how I met my boyfriend, so thanks Failbetter! And the writing, atmosphere, and sheer amount of interesting choices is top tier, that too.

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I will die on this hill but I hate Edelgard like I understand her as a character and I support women's wrongs but she was the most annoying kind that arises from characters of her archetype. #LachesisDidItBetter

However, the Blue Lion storyline was strong enough and the gameplay was fun that it's still a solid 4 for me. Still mourning the Golden Deer potential

A buggy mess...but it's OUR buggy mess!

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Spent 70+ hours of my life on this game. Got to literally the last point you can save before the ending events when I realized I really didn't want to play it anymore. It's been over half a year since that realization, and I still feel no desire to spend another hour tops to say I finished it.

Also, Machias' character is the definition of wasted potential.

In terms of time limit Harvest Moons, I greatly prefer Innocent Life.

Really underrated HM entry, TBH. I kinda wish this got a remake...

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I WANTED this to be good so badly. I was able to deny how much I wasn't enjoying this game until they introduced the existence of the herbology professor (I think?), who just like the past 5-6 objects/persons in the fetch quest that was the main plot was introduced out of nowhere and was of no consequence as soon as the next fetch quest object/person was revealed.

There's nothing wrong with stories like this, at least in theory - but at least have the decency to make it not quite as obvious. Also, any sort of flavor text would have been nice...

Loved the original flash game Detective Grimoire, so I'm happy to boost the rating of this one :)

I still mourn the loss of an A-button attack that means anything. Also, the plot and railroading was the opposite of fun.

No. Please don't play this game

JoshNeku. That's it. That's the review.

The characters are the one that carried but plotwise it was standard JRPG and occasionally the greatest sin of all, boring