I still mourn the loss of an A-button attack that means anything. Also, the plot and railroading was the opposite of fun.

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Spent 70+ hours of my life on this game. Got to literally the last point you can save before the ending events when I realized I really didn't want to play it anymore. It's been over half a year since that realization, and I still feel no desire to spend another hour tops to say I finished it.

Also, Machias' character is the definition of wasted potential.

No. Please don't play this game

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I will die on this hill but I hate Edelgard like I understand her as a character and I support women's wrongs but she was the most annoying kind that arises from characters of her archetype. #LachesisDidItBetter

However, the Blue Lion storyline was strong enough and the gameplay was fun that it's still a solid 4 for me. Still mourning the Golden Deer potential

The characters are the one that carried but plotwise it was standard JRPG and occasionally the greatest sin of all, boring

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Fuck junctions and the love story that is supposed to be a central aspect was bland and boring as hell. Also the overall plot was meh. I'm only giving it 2 stars out of respect for idea even if the execution was poor